Earthdate December 1998




What was in December 1998's Inside Scoop:



Dr Fogg is rumored to be opening a second office on the stony main street of Mars, a stone's throw from Diesel's, the social center of the Universe. His staff declined to comment on word of mouth reports that he had found a cure for Mad Nauga disease, although, the woman added silkily, the doctor would surely be happy to discuss this with us in person.

Others were not so sure. A number of bizarre mass hallucinations appear to have occurred among the denizens of the upper social strata. Observers wondered whether these might not be the unforeseen side effect of the currently popular mayonnaise cure, although Pianoamy, who first brought this ancient remedy to the attention of a worried Fed community, staunchly defended its virtues. 'Was it mayonnaise, or was it Miracle Whip?' she asked. 'Miracle Whip doesn't work.' Our newsdroid was uncertain, and said so. She nodded and declined further comment.

'Just the word "whip" lathers these people up into a frenzy,' Zargot agreed. 'There does appear to be some side effects. I heard things I hesitate to repeat.' He stressed, however, that the root cause of this madness is the apparently deliberate infection of the Nauga herd with this deadly disease.

As a reward for the safe return of the Nauga, Zargot announced that he is now offering the entire treasury of every planet in the Duchy, plus the personal account of all Zarnians. All had, he said, agreed without question to this sacrifice in the interests of saving both the Nauga and the population of Fed. This would amount to some 80 gigs.

Zargot started guiltily when approached at the door to his private study. Duchy comms were very quiet. Total silence reigned as he turned, forcing a smile, and closed the door to the study firmly behind him. He led our newsdroid firmly away from the door, down a hallway lined on both sides with jars of mayonnaise and Miracle Whip. When asked about small noises coming from behind the door, Zargot smiled even more falsely and said 'Why... whatever do you mean?'

Our newsdroid suddenly got a very bad feeling and backed away, breaking into a run as he got to the next room.


When our newsdroid reached our offices last week, we thoroughly chastised it. Fled? Why did we buy that titanium alloy casing, if this is the best you can do? Fled? Shamefacedly it returned to Zar and noted with relief that Zargot was not to be seen. As it hesitated on the LP, Chevyfixr appeared, looking rumpled.

Aha, it thought, alertly. An interview. 'Please, Chevy,' it said, thrusting its microphone appendage into his face in its best interviewer manner. 'Tell our audience what is going on here.'

Chevy nodded. 'I don't understand it all myself,' he said. All I know is that I was told I couldn't leave until I signed this paper.' Paper, the droid repeated thoughtfully. 'Yes,' said Chevy, 'I had to promise to put up four gigs before he would let me go.' The droid wondered whether there wasn't some law against holding hostages in Fed. Chevy shrugged. 'It wasn't bad,' he said, 'just long. I read every book in that study - and boy, does he ever have a lot of books in there - and I even found that fine collection of vintage comics he has stashed in the wall. I need a shower and a beer now though, let me tell you.' The droid agreed that Chevy appeared to need both.

A ship landed as Chevy left in search of creature comforts. An adventurer emerged and announced that he was looking for the Nauga. The droid invited him to have at it, and crept carefully back down the hall to the study. Krimhurg emerged as he reached it and smiled at him. 'Aren't you the droid I licked last week?' he inquired, smiling ironically. The droid admitted that it was, adding that this seemed to happen a lot in Zar. What is all this about hostages, it wondered. 'Oh,' said Krimhurg, 'that. It wouldn't have been bad if it weren't for the singing. He would come in and sing to us, off-key.'

The door is open, the droid noted. Krimhurg shrugged. 'We signed.' Ah, said the droid, and stuck his head through the door. Elin looked up from her perusal of a rather fine manuscript. 'No,' she said, in answer to the droid's inquiry, 'I don't think I have anything to say. He is a good Duke when he takes his medicines, why quarrel with him, when he doesn't?' The droid thought that was her prerogative and noted that the room was otherwise empty. Elin shrugged. 'They all had stuff to do once they signed,' she said. 'Why on earth would I want to leave a library?'

The adventurer arrived and wondered if anyone had seen a Nauga. Nope, he was told, if you see one, though, alert the media. Wait, thought the droid. I am the media. He ran after the adventurer with his microphone, and was last seen still pursuing him as the adventurer worked his way though planets beginning with the letters y and x.

by Elin

Fed is a game.

Fed is only a game. If this were real life, you would not have a manual. Pshaw, said a friend. People who say that Fed is only a game have generally done something to upset someone. This is true. It is also true that some players do seem to take this game *way* too seriously.

Like mathematics, Fed seems to offer a universe of clear-cut methodologies and simple answers. The answer to the question is forty-two. If you do this, that and the other, you *will* promote. Neglect to buy insurance, and chances are that you will eventually wind up repaying another loan. But as in mathematics, the more you learn the deeper it gets.

I once took a relativity physics class, for which I was woefully unprepared, since at that time I had little exposure to even high school physics, and no calculus at all. The theory of an event horizon as a limit struck me with particular force, as the professor showed a film in which a function resembling a sine curve was followed through order of magnitude after order of magnitude. Even if a segment of the curve small enough to be straight was selected, when magnified the line showed the characteristic curve, again and again. You could never cross an event horizon because it never did end. It just went *in*... I dreamed about this and woke up talking about it for months.

And then I took calculus, and learned that contrary to algebra, you sometimes *can* divide by zero, or... almost. Depending on the order of magnitude. Past a certain point Fed is no longer simple. It is a game. You can always quit. By this definition life too is a game however, because it is always possible to quit. Fed is a game in the sense that there are obstacles, artificial in nature, that are to be overcome, in order to advance. It is not a game in this sense, for what else is a diploma requirement but an artificial obstacle, however justified it may be?

Once the stats are maxed and the planet is built and the builds are done, there is still... Fed. Very real needs are met and though it is easy to mock others' difficulties in filling them in real life, the fact remains that we aren't playing against the computer, or even each other. It is too facile to say we play against ourselves, since there is no winning, exactly, only perseverance and survival, as in life. Only the most two-dimensional characters reflect nothing of the people that play them. Elin can be hot-headed in Fed; the worst it will get her is double-dead. The player on the other hand, thinks long and hard before telling her boss to kiss off, although this has happened, both with and without unwelcome consequences.

In many ways Fed allows us to be what we wish we were, or possibly at our deepest levels would like to allow ourselves to be. Is it only a game? No, not if that means it doesn't matter what you do to other people. They are not constructs. They aren't cut-out bad guys, to be blown away without thought or regret. Anything done to another player should be measured against its consequences for the person behind the keyboard. And if the conclusion reached is that the snert must die to teach him some manners, why then... by all means.

Have fun. In this, the most important sense, Fed is a game.


The worst fears of epidemiologists were confirmed this week. Channel 9 this week began en masse licking each other and streaking naked across Fed. This followed the apparition in Fed of one Tboob, who set out to educate Fedders in the ways of his beliefs. He was not taken very seriously, and not all were happy with this development:

Your comm unit relays a message from Tboob, "Zargot! your pirate just SNOGGED me"
Your comm unit relays a message from Zargot, "he did .. i figured his standards were higher .. oh well he must be drunk".

'I believe indiscriminate drunk snogging is covered in chapter 6 of the Pirate's Manual', noted a bystander.

'Encouraged even,' Zargot added.

'Right.....' said the bystander. 'I think chapter 6 is completely comprised of the words 'Do it often'.

'Everyone in favor of licking turn to the right and lick the person next to you,' suggested Zargot.

Your comm unit relays a message from Roxxy, "::::blushes and licks ZARGOT!:::::".
Your comm unit relays a message from Zargot, "::gasps:: :)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Elena, "Lick-a-thon on nine;)".

Tboob was not in favor. He roared 'There is too much licking in Zar!' to the considerable merriment of spectators.

Your comm unit relays a message from Elena, ":::streaks naked all across Nine......:::".
Your comm unit relays a message from Roxxy, "::::gets totally naked and runs to all the landing pads:::::".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bartholomew, "::takes off his pirate clothes and streaks across 9 with his pistol flapping against his leg::".
Your comm unit relays a message from Roxxy, "Bart? May I hold your pistol?".

'There will be NO licking,' insisted Tboob, 'I feel faint... all the licking and flashing and....licking....'

'Well,' said Elena, 'you know what they say... so many fools... so few comets;)'.

Roxxy agreed. 'Anyone named T-BOOB must have a fetish he is hiding.'

Tboob was not amused. 'and so I go now to a better place,' he said. 'The space ship is waiting.'


Enquiring minds at the Chronicle wanted to know. Was there in fact too much licking in Zar, and how much was too much? An enterprising newsdroid spent an evening in Zar, flagging down imperials and transporters.

Krimurg, when asked to comment, simply smiled and licked our titanium alloy. No less than three Zarnians informed us that there was no such thing as too much licking. Bizcarp denied all allegations that there is too much licking in Zar... and licked us to prove it. Reduit thought there could not be too much licking and invited us to lick to our heart's desire. Bartholomew agreed, but declined further comment.

'No such thing,' Zargot said. 'Except,' he said, 'a lollipop found in your pocket after its been licked a few times. Not the kind of warm fuzzies you want.' Kao, Baroness of Babe, a renowned expert in the field, confirmed the scientific validity of this viewpoint. She too thought a moment however, then added 'However... if it's not hard it's not worth licking.'

'ROFL,' said USAF342, 'licking has long been a duchy tradition in Zar. Outsiders fail to understand its historical and often hysterical background.' He added, 'If you come to Zar and find yourself licked, it means you have been truly accepted.'

by Fatherchristmas

I would hate to tell you where I woke up. The little boys and girls of Fed do not need to know. Suffice it to say that the missus very eloquently did not approve at all when I called her to tell her that Rudolph and the sleigh were both missing. No, she would not come get me. And I best find that sleigh before Christmas if I knew what was good for me. I broadcast an appeal for help, and someone said he was on the planet Rushed. However, all I found when I got there was another reindeer looking for Rudolph.

Htwoo's mouth drops to the ground
Fatherchristmas smiles
'oh my.....', says Htwoo.
Htwoo says, 'oh my gosh....'

'Have you seen Rudolph?', I asked. I was told Rudolphy had just left. 'But he is purple, Fatherchristmas', said Htwoo. 'Purple?', I asked. Htwoo wiped a tear from her eyes and nodded her head yes. The reindeer walked over and tried to comfort Htwoo by nuzzling her. 'Why would he be purple?' I asked, the headache returning. 'He is an imposter', said the reindeer. 'Does this have something to do with last night?' I asked. The reindeer perked up, listening for a clue. 'What happened last night?', he asked. 'Last night?', asked Htwoo. 'I don't remember much...', I said, 'I wanted to discuss it with Rudolph. He was supposed to guide my sleigh last night.' 'Well, I am going to go keep looking', said the reindeer. 'Tell Rudolph I am looking for him!', I said.

'Anyone seen Rudolph?' I asked the world at large. 'Just look for a red light,' someone said. But he was having trouble with that last night, I protested, said something about defective instructions... or were they just in Korean? 'I am sorry, said the reindeer. 'The accident seems to have affected my memory. I am going to go lie down.' Oh no. 'Accident?' I asked with a sinking feeling, 'my sleigh was in an accident?' I went through my pockets and discovered a notice of impound. 'Ho ho ho... nobody has seen Rudolph? I asked again.

Your comm unit relays a message from Raphael, 'Rudolph got relegated to port side running light and is in a huff about it'.

'HE is in a huff!' I exclaimed, 'He was supposed to guide my sleigh last night! Now I cant even find it... ho ho ho...'

Your comm unit relays a message from Raphael, 'its those new fangled regulations ya have to follow, all those new deer running lights :)'.

'Hmmm...' said a bystander. 'Doesn't sound kosher to me.' 'AH HAH,' said Raphael. 'Out joy riding eh?' I attempted to explain. 'You can't get decent help these days,' I said. 'I know how it is, said the bystander. 'Too much tequila and I can't find my car either.' Ok, I admit I got a little defensive. 'Sure I was joy riding,' I said, 'A man has to take a break sometimes. 'Hmmm....' said the bystander. 'It sounds a little paranoid to me FC.' He sure liked to say hmmm. I attempted to reason with him, asking if he saw Rudolph anywhere. 'They moved my sleigh, I tell ya', I exclaimed. 'And who would "they' be?" he asked, in his best clinical voice. 'Sounds like a conspiracy to me,' he said ironically. 'Well, I do have this notice of impound', I said, 'but that doesn't tell me what happened to Rudolph. He was supposed to be the designated driver.' He scoffed. 'I'm supposed to believe that someone with a nose that red isn't going to have a drink?' I looked at him sadly. 'Well,' I said, 'hindsight is 20-20 isn't it?'

'Speaking of which, I said. 'Which way is the bar, ho ho ho?' He bought me an eggnog and I sipped it, considering my options. He thought, and made a suggestion. 'Leave him alone and he'll come home?', I asked. 'After he sleeps it off.', he nodded. 'Seems kind of an iffy thing to base Christmas on,' I sighed. 'Well, it worked for Bo peep', he pointed out.

by Father Christmas

Well, Rudolph or no Rudolph, putting Christmas together is a lot of work, and I had a list to make, and another list to check twice, and I worked on that as I wandered through Fed looking for my errant reindeer. Some thought I was being sarcastic. A Captain wanted to know if he knew me. 'Ho ho ho,' I answered, 'does that ring a bell?' One Baroness told me "git lost" when I asked if she had been good. Someone wanted to know whether the times he hadn't gotten caught would count. 'Who me,' grinned a Trader, 'but of course,'

'You betcha....' said Pan, 'No moiders this year… no broken windows... and I've gradumacated Rehab 4 times.' 'Nay lad...I'm the scourge of the space lanes,' said a pirate. 'I have been a good girl, promise,' said Marthel. 'If'n ya gonna quote me... I been good', smiled Fro. Another person averred that he was always good. 'Check your list,' suggested a Baron. Informed that the list had a question mark next to his name, he fell uneasily silent. A Baroness who claimed to have been very naughty nonetheless requested that I note her "aversion to coal lumps and high susceptibility to the power of diamonds." Remarkably few people requested presents, although one planet owner requested that I fix his exchange.

Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Saintgrizz, 'It's stealing money from me, I had to pull a gig out to keep it ALL from dissapearing.'
>tb saintgrizz ok... one lump of coal for your exchange :)

Miasma had other ideas. 'I waaaaant... Tbar's password list!' he exclaimed, 'and you can quote me on that!' A Baroness requested a man in her stocking. 'I'd really like there to all of a sudden be a switch that we could turn the media off,' said Pan, 'and hopefully find ourselves out there doing far better than we ever imagined' The Vile One had no comment, not even to say that he had no comment. And someone named Santa wanted to know if I had been good myself. I told him that I couldn't find Rudolph. 'Again?' he said, and sighed. 'I suppose I'll just have to lock him up next year.'

I was shocked to find my daughter Macie in the cantina. 'And dressed like this!' I exclaimed. 'Having a drink sheesh' she said and hiccuped. She told me to get back to Christmas and not to wait up for her. 'Ready to give up, tuck your reins between your legs and fly your big sleigh up north?' enquired an onlooker maliciously. I glared at Tschu, who seemed suspiciously silent. 'You ain't my daddy...so go on' he said, 'no interest Daddy North Pole,'

Kahlan looked me over, grinned, and examined the gifts, reading the tags. 'Where's mine?' she demanded. 'Now... is that the proper Christmas spirit?', I asked. She found a lump of coal and grew pale. 'Uh oh,' she said, and I smiled ironically. Mebster sat on my lap. 'Have you been good, Mebster?' I asked. 'You haven't?' Mebster says, 'err.. yes.'

'Now if i could just find Rudloph...' I said, 'These deliveries on foot are a pain. I dunno how mailmen do it.' A strange look came across Mebster's face. 'Oh oh... Was he the deer with the red bow on its horns?', he asked. 'Yes?' I said hesitantly. It had already been a bad week. He showed me a taco. 'I -hope- you are joking,' I said. Kahlan blinked. I gave Mebster a look. Kahlan said nothing but consulted an attorney.

'Oopps.. I'm afraid that's not Rudolph', says Mebster.
Mebster says, 'It's Prancer'

by Inspector

It was just another night in the big city. There I was, keeping the cantina safe from crime and thinking inspector thoughts, when he came in. Of all the gin joints in all the world, he had to walk into mine.

Looking for Santa, Rudolph has just arrived.
Rudolph inspects the inspector. Looks him up and down. Nope not Santaclaus.
Rudolph is looking at you...
Rudolph asks, 'have you seen Santa?'
Rudolph pokes the inspector with his nose.
'don't make me use my antlers!', exclaims Rudolph.
Rudolph sighs

The people they have running stuff these days. 'You two been out on the town again?' I wondered how many years this has been going on. 'Yep, he is in Fed somewhere. I lost him!'. I could just imagine what Mrs. Claus will have to say about this. You should have heard the woman when this happened last year. Not that I blamed the poor woman....

'Where was the last place you remember seeing him?' I asked impatiently. Can't mollycoddle a drunk. 'You two gotta find a good 12-step program or somethin, geesh,' I added sternly. Rudolph hung his head as I admonished him to think of all those little kids. 'Am trying to reform, honest!' he exclaimed. 'That's what they all say', I scoffed. Rudolph blinked his nose at me and said he had to go back to the stables. But ... what about Santa, I protested. 'Find him!', exclaimed Rudolph. Easy for him to say. 'I got the sleigh stashed away but have not been able to find Santa or the other reindeer!', he exclaimed. 'But you're the one that was supposed to get him home, yanno?' I chided. 'Don't tell anyone I am responsible!' he begged.

I shook my head. 'This is the thing with the nose they neglected to explain to you.' I mourned. Rudolph nodded. 'You are supposed to guide the sleigh,' I explained sadly, 'and return with all hands!' 'But I cant find the other reindeer! Oh, there is Lildancer!', exclaims Rudolph. 'Well go see if she has seen Santa,' I said in exasperation, 'Sheesh.'

Looking for Santa, Rudolph has just disappeared.