Earthdate October 1997



(incorporating Fedciety)

What was in October 1997's Inside Scoop:


by Greta GagDroid

Hello, all, and welcome to the first edition of Galaxy Galley, the one and only fine Fed cuisine column. I know that many of you are of the busy sort, hauling here and rushing around there. And most of you just buy pizzas whenever you need something to eat. For shame!

I, for one, am getting sick of pizzas. My tastebuds need a change! So I've come up with a few quick and easy recipes for everyone. These recipes are great for the romantic dinner or the annual workthingy picnic. Virtually any occasion calls for good food, and I, your culinary queen, have many options for you.


Perfect for that romantic dinner for two in a private getaway, this meal is inspired by romance. The taste of fruity meat entices the soul, and the smell is to DD for!

This dish is best served on planets with atmospheres not containing high levels of nitrogen, helium or oxygen. After all, you will have to break out the skillet and turn on the burner, and you probably wouldn't like being blown sky high.

Most of the items here can be found on any Agricultural planet, but BEWARE. Usually there are 2 or 3 deficits, and sometimes spices, meat and fruit are among those. Remember to shop around.

You'll need:

3-4 marsrat chops
1 tablespoon margarine
1 small can of frozen orange juice
I spoonful brown sugar
splash of white wine or sherry (well, one splash for the dinner and the rest of the bottle for yourself)
two orange slices and a pinch of ground ginger (optional)

Step 1: In a skillet, fry Marsrat chops in margarine till a rich brown on each side.

Step 2: Combine all other ingredients (except orange slices) in a bowl. Dump it over marsrat in skillet.

Step 3: Cover and reduce heat to lowest setting. Cook for 35 to 45 minutes.

Step 4: Serve over rice (you can use that instant stuff if you like) and place orange slices on the chops.

Step 5: Eat. (What? Do I need to tell you how to do THAT too?)

Footnote: Marsrat must be thoroughly cooked. If it isn't, it has a tendency to come back to life to carry out the marsrat's last wish... and that would probably be to come after you!

Next time we'll take a look at Workthingy Surprise. Until then... Bon Appetite!


Groundhog: Great things await you this month in the new universe. A trip to the office block will be pertinent sometime soon if you are to fly amongst the stars. Some of you may experience deja vu as a result of not proceeding with caution after a certain backup warning. In your case, it will be a long, frustrating climb back to your former rank.

Commander: Heed this warning - the sun is just as hot in the new universe.

Captain: Debt free, this new universe broadens before you. You may now possibly go where no man, woman, or thing has gone before.

Adventurer/ess: Your luck is down this month, as the Grand Master of the Traders Guild has moved to the new universe as well and is still in hiding. Contrary to popular rumors, he does not live in the Transuranic Labs on Titan or in the "secret room" on the sun.

Trader: Don't forget old advice in the new universe - buy low, sell high. You will make great profit this month, however a great competition for certain objects may abound. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. The early marsrat catches the zlitherworm, etc, etc.

Merchant: If you happen to spend your time awake in the new universe, begging for art facs is still considered annoying by some.

JourneyPerson: Beware of a ripping sound.... and it won't just be in the fabric of the new reality.

Guild Master/ess: Emphasize self-improvement this month, and start saving up commods for your future days. An overload of warehouses on Titan cause planetary shifting, resulting in a strange alignment in the universe, bringing a sense of future wealth and ownership.

Explorer: During the construction of a new celestial body, you will learn great patience which is needed for large amounts of building in the future.

Squire: A strange alignment in the universe brings a great abundance of growth in the land. When asked for art facs, just pass the beggars a bottle of Whoosh so they can get it out of their system.

Thane: Great profit can be made this month due to the increase of planetary mineral deposits made by the new universe "Big Bang".

Industrialist: Wedged in the middle of the planetary rank sandwich, don't get discouraged - you've already made it halfway. It could be worse - you could always be employed at the Transuranics labs on Titan.

Technocrat: Finally getting tired of hauling, you feel a dire need to update your technology so you can shimmer just like the stars in the heavens.

Baron/ess: As soon as that green puzzle flag is lifted, you may feel as though the rest of the universe is against you. (And that's because it is.) In this case, it doesn't matter what time the marsrat rises, it still will have to compete for the zlitherworm.

Duke/Duchess: After waiting for a long time like Godot, the feeling of being a minority will come to an end gradually as more and more people save the new universe every day.


Hello all well-dressed Fedders out there. This is Denalaia reporting from the Visions LP and boy what a party! If this was for the TTTT, we'd have it booked. Just don't tell Sknt that he missed it. Well this week the fashions were kind of slow. It seems that every time I would get into the DataSpace the whole universe comes crashing down on my ears, but I got together a few panelists for the normal person's (or equivalent) view on Federation Fashion!

Thank you to panelists:

Anakin5778 - JP (Anak)
CEStratton - Trader (CES)
Gator71519 - Squire (Gator)
HOF 95 - Undisclosed (Hof)
Pugmarley - JP (Pug)

What do you think is fashionable FedWear?

CES: I see the nude fashion quickly rising. Too many people are nude.

Hof: I never go anywhere without my Protective Sulking Jacket.

Anak: I really don't care, I like my [hospital] gown the best.

Gator: Shorts, tennies and hats. The Tag is in too.

Pug: Leather, silk or lace platform shoes (he said with a grin)

What would you like to see more of in Fed, fashionwise?

Hof: Uhh... less, does that work?

Pug: Exotic clothes, strange styles.

Gator: Actual pictures of players.

CES: More weird stuff and variety. Get those poor people some clothes!

Do you think the examine feature is a good one? Why?

Pug: Yes, because you can tell a lot about a person from what they wear, their styles and creativity.

Hof: Excellent feature, why? I like being interchangeable to others, that's a great thing. Being able to change your looks, your moods...

Well, that about wraps it up. In the next column we will travel to the far reaches of the known universe to begin studying the particular and peculiar fashions of - Rainbow Duchy!! Oh and by the way an unnamed player was seen entering a store and emerging like this:

You have seen the most horrid thing alive. It is too horrid to even describe.

Is this fashion? Write and tell me what you think.


By Cpotter

The Day that nothing matters
There will be fun, games, no consequence;
The Day that nothing matters
We fight, we play, nothing matters;
The Day that nothing matters
We killed each other, and ourselves
The Day that nothing matters
We acted like snerts, we thought it didn't matter
The day that nothing matters
Every thing matters one day....


For Commanders to Traders
Confeddus says, he who looks before he jumps pays low insurance premiums.

For Merchants to Explorers
Confeddus says, insurance at any price is cheaper than buying stat points and paying bribes.

To all Web Fedders
Cheer up, nine out of ten snerts don't have $12.00.

To those that would be Merchant
Confeddus says, ninety-nine percent of all merchants bought low and sold high. The other one percent were well-loved POs that DDed four hours ago.

To all that have DDed
Confeddus says, 'tis better to have conquered the puzzles and DDed than never to have conquered at all.

To all FOs
Confeddus says, one livestock fac in the hand is better than two arts in the bush.

For JPs
Confeddus says, there are two types of Journey Persons. Those that accepted the facs they were offered, and merchants.

New Barons
Confeddus says, caution! Teleporting to unfamiliar addresses can be hazardous to your wealth.

by AzurLdy, Thane of Azure

Monday, September 1, 1997 was supposed to be the last night of AOL Fed, and to say that chaos ruled is almost an understatement. There was so much going on that it's impossible to chronicle all of it. Here is simply a short account of what this reporter experienced on that memorable night.

As I awoke on Azure, the Zar comms crackled with the voices of famous Fedders that are not usually on the Zar comms. GamingLady, Wpoco, and Eggman5 were systematically stripping Zar of spices, planet by planet. A Spice raid! I watched the stockpile on Azure disappear as they moved on from Honey to Fantasyizle. As I tried to understand the implications of this raid, I suddenly realized that I had ridden Azure all the way to Sol! A quick "who Zar" revealed that my duke was indeed present. I quickly sent a tight beam message to him telling him that I had never gotten to Sol in quite that way before. His return tb to me assured me that he had intended to make the planet move for me. How considerate. A price check revealed that the only planet left in Zar was Naug!

Channel 9 came alive with offers to marry GamingLady for 5 IG. GrahamCM smirkingly stated that LtleShaver, GrahamCM, David56758, K52411, Sknt, BListy, GovElaine, DragonCop2, First Fuzz, MageSmiley, Lenny28, Truck1701. SatanFWAT, Smokngnr, Lennyaiel, DanKingDC, Stting77, Eggman5, and PintoMike had already paid the 5 IG for this privilege! After all, nothing counted that night, right?

As for myself, I celebrated this last crazy night of AOL Fed by doing something I have never done before - I bought myself a fighting ship, with all the bells and whistles, and went hunting. As expected, I was rather unskilled and fired my twin lasers at all the wrong times, and at all the wrong people. Several clonings later, I gave up on the battles. I returned to Azure and immediately bought new clothes, after which, I felt much better!


To fight, or not to fight?
He asked that fatal night
Into the Arena he did fly
But did not know that he would die
For when he had gotten nailed
He got upset and anger prevailed
So he jumped back into his ship
Brave as he was, thought it was hip
To think a TL could be a cure
The poor lad forgot to reinsure
And when that missile struck his tail
His next message was
"Will you be Male or Female?"


Last night, after a hefty round of ale at Chez Diesel, two Journeypersons staggered from the famous bar toward the treacherous ruins. They became lost among the many paths of the maze, and they stumbled over a rather large amount of TDX. They picked it up, mistaking it for a Venusian firecracker. Attempting to find a flat surface to set off their new "fireworks display", they found a large flat rover-type vehicle with a smooth surface; they were too drunk to realize it was really the famed Pathfinder from Earth.

Placing the explosive atop the rover, they lit the fuse, resulting in a mass explosion, sending Pathfinder parts soaring across the Martian sky. The two JPs were instantly disintegrated, only to wake up to a very distraught and angry group of Earth scientists waiting for them at the Puddy Memorial Ward.

Scavengers and souvenir hunters have been combing all areas of Mars in hope of finding a few of the rover's parts. Even Dr. Fogg was seen carrying pieces of the rover's probe. When asked what he intended to do with the parts, his only reply was, "This has given me great ideas for new products." He refused any further info.

The Pathfinder had almost completed its mapping of the dangerous ruins, and scientists are uncertain as to when a replacement will be sent. The two Journeypersons have been sentenced to lifetime community cleaning service in the public loos on Earth.

By Susie of Hobbes

The hottest topic on channel 5 is, and probably always will be, what are the best factories to own. Opinion varies. Some merchants swear by Arts Facs. They try to maximize their Arts facs to minimize their work. Others say Unis and Furs are better. So, from the FO that somehow got 12 Arts facs to the PO who is wondering when they can nationalize factories, here's the real scoop.

Slarti's finally delivers the planet of your dreams. The link is built and the exchange is in turmoil. You get your very first TB as a PO. ‘Can I build an Arts factory on your planet?’  You look at that 32 demand and 0 production and wonder ‘What should I do?’

Well, I know what I would do. The first thing I would do is not sell any Arts factories. New agri planets don't need Arts. That great big 0 in production means I'm not losing any money by not supplying Arts, and the labor could be better spent meeting demands that have production. If I have 32 demand on Furs and 22 production, that could be the most profitable factory to sell, both for the factory owner and me. Yet some FOs will turn down Furs in a quest to get Arts.

So why are FOs screaming for Arts? Basically, because they don't have to do anything (no hauling, no inputs) and they are unwilling to help the PO get a better planet. After a while, the PO realizes they are losing money on the Arts factory and dreams of the day they can nationalize factories and get rid of selfish FOs.

At this point FOs will be screaming, ‘I asked the PO what they needed, I sold to the exchange, and suddenly the price went to 10ig/ton.’ A planet is a dynamic entity. Builds and production point allocations change demands. FOs want profitable factories and POs want the same thing. To maximize profits for both the FO and the PO, cooperation is required from both parties.

Rules for FOs

1. Ask the PO what is a profitable factory on their planet.  Each planet is different. The most profitable factory can be anything, not just Arts and Unis.

2. Higher level planets can be more profitable than Agris:
a. the PO has a better idea of what they need.
b.  they will pay higher prices for goods since they make more from their planets.
c.  they usually have more labor available.
d.  some will have done builds to increase factory production.

3. If a problem arises (10ig/ton) talk to the PO.

4. Don't be afraid to change factories.

5. Don't be afraid to haul, hauling can be profitable.

Rules for the POs

1. Tell the FO when your need changes.

2. Allow factories that help both your planet and the FO.

3. If you're not sure you need an Arts factory, you probably don't.

Cooperation will make both the FO and the PO the most profit. Remember, Fed is an interconnected universe.


After a few hefty rounds of Venusian Vodka, an aggravated Explorer gathered a team of nine other vodka-slingers to picket in front of the closed Slarti's on Mercury. This strike has been slated as one of the biggest since the protest of Dr. Fogg's controversial usage of Marsrat fur for one of his "special" products. The Explorer and his followers staggered around the exterior of the famous planet shop for hours, and were even caught chanting various slogans such as, 'Undo the lock, I want my rock!', 'Get my link, and another drink!', and '<censored> <censored><censored>'. Two of the picketers were arrested after spinning a passing waitdroid so hard, it careened off into a nearby cave, and was promptly wolfed down by a hungry Grizzle. All the chaos finally settled after one of the rather irritated guards explained that Slarti had merely closed shop to take a short business trip in search of a missing link. Upon his return, he was so distraught to hear of his private waitdroid being demolished, he decided to employ his remaining workbench employees to run his personal errands while a replacement droid can be ordered.


Sources in the Bureau of Offline Planets revealed to this reporter today that at least one ranking Duke has resorted to trying to bribe high level officials in the BOP to get his planet online. A mailing received 2 days prior from an "anonymous source" offered to give "a gig or two" in exchange for the opening of Tbarranch's Neverland. A quote from the mysterious letter states:

‘See, this friend of mine.. has this duchy planet (NeverLand)... and I want to spring it out of jail... sort of a surprise for him... because he's dying... just wants to see his planet before he has the "big one" and dies. No cure... only seeing his planet again... can help...’

In further desperation Tbar offers this bit of bribery..  ‘(do you like chocolate?)’

BOP officials met and decided to ignore the letter, only to be offered peach ice cream later.  BOP officials are now considering this latest desperate act a violation of Bureaucratic sensibilities. Said one source who wished to remain anonymous, ‘We probably get a 100 bribes a day, but this takes it! I mean offers of groats are one thing, but Peach Ice Cream? The guy needs to be brought in for examination!’  In what might be a related event, it was reported last night that a team of black clad individuals was seen sneaking into the closed duchy and raiding refrigerators. We will keep you informed should anything else break on this story.