When you reach an exchange where you want to sell your goods, you can do a spot check of the price with 'CHECK PRICE commodity'. 'CHECK' can be abbreviated to 'C'.

You can subscribe to a remote price checking service by visiting the brokers office on Earth and paying a slithy tove for 31 days access - 'BUY REMOTE SERVICE' - and then use the command 'C PRICE commodity planetname' to find out prices without having to leave the comfort of your favorite bar, ship or bed. 'C PRICE commodity CARTEL' gives the price for the specified commodity on all the planets in the cartel you are in, but it won't work in Sol.

You can also buy an upgrade to this service which adds two new variants to the command. You can get a list of the prices offered for a commodity on all the Solar System planets with 'C PRICE commodity', which will only work outside of an exchange, and you can get the prices for a whole commodity group with the command 'C PRICE commoditygroup planetname' - 'commoditygroup' being agri, resource, ind, tech, biological or leisure. The upgrade costs a one-off payment of two slithies. Get it from the brokers with 'UPGRADE REMOTE SERVICE'. It only works if you have the basic remote price subscription.

As if that wasn't enough, there's a super-duper all-in-one premium ticker that lets you check the price for a commodity on all the planets in the Galaxy. This costs five slithies. You can buy it anywhere with 'BUY PREMIUM TICKER' and then get the full set of prices with either 'C PREMIUM commodity BUY' or 'C PREMIUM commodity SELL'. To see the complete list of both buying and selling prices, use 'C PREMIUM commodity ALL' but be warned, the list is extremely long and unwieldy, even though it leaves out planets in closed systems. If you leave off the last bit, the command defaults to showing the complete list. The premium price checker, like the upgrade, will only work if you have the basic remote price subscription.

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