Earthdate March 2002




What was in March 2002's Inside Scoop:


by Danny

It's a well-known fact that I run the Sons of Apathy, an organization dedicated to bringing down the regime of the Emperor Cen. But recently, something made me decide to temporarily put aside our differences. I heard a vicious and unfounded rumor that the Emperor Cen... is gay. I couldn't let that stand, so I tracked down Cen and interviewed him, to give him a chance to clear everything up. What follows is the unedited transcript from that interview. I'll let you decide for yourself if you want to believe the rumors.

Danny: So Cen, I'll get right down to the point. Rumor has it you're... a homosexual.
Cen: Rumor also has it that I'm married to Tom Cruise. But I'm not.
Danny: So are you gay? I'll save the Tom Cruise thing for later.
Cen: I'm very happy. I mean who wouldn't be happy when you spend half your day ogling guys' butts?
Danny: How exactly do you think the rumors of your homosexuality started?
Cen: I'm not too sure. I mean it couldn't possibly have been my marriage to Andy, or my constant staring at Arro's behind... it must be something more obvious.
Danny: Yes, marrying a man is almost sure to start those sorts of rumors in most parts of the universe. What do you think of the rumors?
Cen: Well, they're okay I guess. My only issue is with the one rumor that totally misinterprets the size of my reproductive organ. I mean, Andy would not have stayed with me so long if that were true!
Danny: That one I won't come back to. One last question. How do you respond to the rumors I just started about your marriage to Tom Cruise?
Cen: Totally flattering, but it wont stop me in my attempts to turn you into a member of Big Gay Al's Big Gay Animal Shelter.
Danny: Thank you for your time.

by Chewbacon - the big fur, the big teeth, the big feet - It's all in style!

Ah, PO-hood. Freedom, money, slaves (work thingies), and routines. It just so happens that I don't like routines. Every day I wake up, shower, spend half of the morning drying my fur, grab my favorite whip to slave-drive the Work Thingies and then settle down to a cup of coffee. The day continues on, I sit around and look like I'm busy to keep Hazed from giving me work to do; it is my philosophy I learned from Dilbert, "Your job is to look busy until someone comes along and gives you a meaningful assignment." The next day, I wake up and do the same thing all over again.

It has time for me to introduce a new power into my planet. Instead of following the same routine, this lovely gadget will decide what I should do all day. With just one touch of a button, I won't have to commit to a routine; it is so wonderful!

My first task is to... drum roll please... "fill your deficits." Let's try that again... "build the rest of your baron builds." No, I don't like that one either. "Duke." I don't think so... "give your WTs more social security."

Evidently my invention has many bugs. Doing a routine is one thing; doing work is completely different. Back to the drawing board!

by Jelly

I decided that Barons and Baronesses are misunderstood by the rest of Fed. Sure, we live in the lap of luxury, but that does not mean our days are carefree! I decided to speak to some fellow baron/esses to prove that being one is tough work too!

"It seems that Fed has us baronesses misunderstood", Jelly says.

"They think that we have the life... unending money pouring into our treasuries... getting whatever we want...", Jelly says.

Jelly asks, "What for you is the hardest part about being a baroness?"

Michelle grins evilly

"setting up trading alliances", says Michelle.

Then I decided to bother Jordy for an interview.

>xt Jordy, would you like to be interviewed in a few minutes?

>xt I'm hunting barons and baronesses

Your comm unit relays a message from Jordy, "why? what did I do?"

Your comm unit relays a message from Jordy, "Hunting? That sounds kinda painful, Jelly ;)"

>xt Hehe

>xt The topic of this weeks poll are the pains of being a baron and baroness, what the lower ranks dont realize

>xt they think all we need to do is live in the lap of luxury, and stuff

>xt And that's not true! I had to... um... move from one room to another once!

Your comm unit relays a message from Jordy, "::giggles:: Isn't that correct tho? ;)"

Your comm unit relays a message from Kotetsu, "Barons also have problems finding things to do."

And… my conversation with Jordy:

"I'm trying to prove to the world that baronesses dont have it as easy as people think we do", Jelly says.

"What for you is the hardest part about being a baroness?", Jelly asks.

"Wow... Let me think about that for a second", says Jordy.

"I think the hardest part about being a Baroness would have to be... having more money than what I know to do with it", smiles Jordy.

Jordy smiles, "Yep, that's definitely one problem I have"

"I mean, there's only so many auctions one can go to", says Jordy.

"I know exactly what you mean", Jelly says.

"Squires know to put their money towards their planet...", Jelly says.

Jelly says, "But I've found groats just piling up all over"

Jordy nods at you. "Exactly! You know, I've actually lost groats before, since my pockets are full and treasury is full, the groats have nowhere to go."

Jordy says, "So they just *POOF* disappear into space... that's such a waste"

"Exactly", Jelly says.

"Is there anything about a rank below you that you envy at all?", Jelly asks.

Jordy says, "Ummmm, I would have to say Groundhogs"

"What is it that you envy?", Jelly asks.

"Well, Groundhogs remind me of being a kid. You know, no money worries, no bills to pay, no payments on a ship, etc... once you decide to go the next step - ie, growing up - bad things happen", smiles Jordy.

Jelly nods

Jelly asks, "Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to Fed about being a baroness?"

Jordy smiles, "Yes, if you are having parties, events, etc please don't invite me if the location is shielded... I'm a Baroness... I no longer remember how to or even desire to walk. Thank you"

Jelly winks and say, "Thanks for your time, I know how busy baronesses can be"

"Yes, always on the go", says Jordy with a wink.

And some humor when I went searching for barons and baronesses…

Your comm unit relays a message from Ruy, "Sorry Just a lowly Squire."

>xt Pfft... a squire? Why would I talk to a squire?

>xt Just kidding, though, next week I'm interviewing squires ;)

Your comm unit relays a message from Ruy, "when are you interviewing former Dukes? :)"

>xt Former dukes?

>xt ha!

Your comm unit relays a message from Ruy, "Better a former duke than to still be stuck there."


This prolonged winter season wasn't the result of a GroundHog getting scared by his shadow last month. I have to admit; for an entire month there wasn't a GroundHog in Fed long enough to even see his shadow.

My new game seemed to have gotten rid of them all.

Poised at the hole in the Meeting Place where new GroundHogs appear, I waited anxiously for each and every one. As soon as they made their appearance, even before they could read the text telling them to type ‘Help Start', they were greeted by the vision of my slavering maw, a woof in the ear, and a huge lick up the side of the head. Most of them disconnected without even taking time to type in ‘quit'.

Hazed says I have to stop that and get back to work. In her view work doesn't mean licking GroundHogs, digging new mines in Venus, or chasing the black cat through the ruins. She means planet reviews, and to do planet reviews I need planet review requests. Help me out here folks, if some don't start rolling in Hazed is going to make me take on the dishwashing at CDs. I wouldn't mind licking the plates so much if the food were just a little better!

by Horatio

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to say I think I've finally figured out one of the mysteries of the universe. A question we all ponder and agonize over. A question that, up until now, had no concrete theories to answer it. A question I'm addressing because I can't think of anything better to write about this week.

I believe I've finally figured out how a collection of loonies (like us) managed to be put in control of galactic commerce and planets in Fed. Being positions of extreme power, it bears thought as to how and why we crazy people are in control. The answer?

They got rid of all the lunatic asylums - our former homes. How did I arrive at this conclusion, you may ask? Well, for starters, you can just look around at your friends and neighbors. Mine certainly bear my theory out. But more to the "hard evidence" facts, I direct your attention to our ships, nearly all of which are slathered, inside and out, in manky, institutional paint. There must be a reason as to why there's enough paint to handle the multitudes of ships in Fed. Logic suggests that reason to be that there are no more institutions.

Of course, we in Fed are not completely institution-less. After all, we still pay taxes. And there's the loo on Earth - that needs painting from time to time. (I believe its last refurbishment was somewhere during the Truman administration... at least for the men's side it was. I don't know about you ladies.) However, there isn't one governmentally-run loony lockup anywhere. Which leads me to believe they let us out so they could paint the ships. A side effect of this, though, is that common crazies (like us) are now running the show.

So far, the system seems to be working, though. We've been in control of commerce for awhile now, and the universe is still alive, which is testament to the self-correcting economic system we enjoy. Sure, most of us spend our time lounging around, chatting, and eating tons of food which is later billed to our constituents, but that only means that most of us are suited for high official office.

What's the down side, then? Well, we are clogging the Galactic Radio Channels with tons of meaningless drivel, but if we didn't do it, somebody would. And we are forming large, inert lumps in many bars of the galaxy, like some bizarre form of pub cholesterol, but we Irish have been doing that at St. Patrick's Day parties for ages (ah, my proud cultural heritage... pass the Guinness). So let us sit back for a moment, be thankful for what the world has made us, and take a long appreciative look at the artful paint jobs most of our ships sport. While the colors may vary, it all follows the same general theme: a high-tech space transport...

...that an elephant was standing next to when it got violently ill.


This week, I went the complete opposite route from interviewing baronesses and decided to interview squires… that is, I tried!

I started with a squire I found in Chez Ds.

Jelly asks, "How long have you been a squire?"

Xyli says, "3 years"

Jelly stares

"Three years?", Jelly asks.

"Yup", smiles Xyli.

"Danny's been one longer than me", says Xyli.

"Why haven't you promoted yet?", Jelly asks.

Xyli says, "I haul out but I won't haul in commods"

"I see... is there some benefit to being a squire?", Jelly asks.

Xyli says, "Nope, just like being lazy"

Xyli says, "Oh but I am Empress as well as a squire"

Jelly asks, "But don't you want to live in the lap of luxury like baronesses?"

Xyli says, "Nah"

Jelly stares in disbelief

"I either stay at CDs or in my ship", says Xyli.

"But... doesn't everyone want to be like us?", Jelly asks.

"Er... I mean, baronesses", Jelly says.

Jelly looks innocent

Xyli says, "Nope"

But… but… I thought all squires aspired to be barons/baronesses!

I couldn’t continue on… how could someone want to remain a squire?! Sheesh!

Next week I’m searching out Dukes and Duchesses, so be warned!

(Disclaimer: Jelly has nothing against squires, a few of her friends are squires… unfor… er… fortunately.)

by Chewbacon - the big fur, the big teeth, the big feet - It's all in style!

Last week I started writing a new planet with Genesis. I like Genesis since I can write a little bit at a time and, unlike using the work bench, I don't have to upload the planet until I've finished the planet. All is going well, I've written a few locations (all I can stand to do at a time without getting bored with it) and now it is time to save it. I click the SAVE AS button, type in a short and sweet, eight-character filename and hit enter. What's this? An error? I try again and get the same error. Needless to say: Genesis wouldn't save my planet. Outraged by this, I pushed aside the easy-to-use application and go straight into the work bench. It is a quick transition I make from time to time in life: ease of use and convenience to functionality. A car with air conditioning, to a truck without it but with better mileage; crashing Microsoft Windows to hair-splitting yet efficient Linux.

Why am I talking about this? I have no idea; I must be rambling. And speaking of rambling, it is something I've been doing quite a bit lately on 9. Even though rambling usually consists of inane conversation, I was surprised to get some knowledge out of it - I learned what hotdogs are made from!

Why ramble? Why read this article?? Why am I writing this article??? All those questions can be answered by rambling about them. Maybe the first one can't be answered while rambling; you may be asked why you are rambling and so goes an endless loop.


Overpopulation and species balance has once again become a problem in Fed, and hunting season has, by Imperial Edict, once again opened. Bounty hunters move stealthily in the spaceways, tracking down their prey (and occasionally taking out a legitimate hauler in the process), hoping to bring home a set of ears mounted on a funeral wreath from their targets.

No, I don’t mean we are congested with too many Dukes and Duchesses, barons or Baronesses, or even the weekend influx of GroundHog alts. I’m talking about wolves.

Just survey the player list; you have the basic Wolf, Wolfie, Wolfy, Wolff, Wolfyn, Wolfman, Wolfboy and Wolfish. There’s the colored varieties: Blackwolf, Silverwolf, Redwolf, Greywolf, Whitewolf, Greywolfie, and the orbital Greyspacewolf. There’s the pack faction: Wolfpack, Wolfgang, and the solitary Lonewolf. There’s even a Nightwolf, Daywolf, Wolfkill, a Wolfbane, and a bright Starwolf in the sky. If that’s not enough you can even catch occasional glimpses of the more exotic wolves: Lobo, Lupus, and Lupine. And of course there are always the wolf parts: Wolftail, Wolfpaw, Wolfleg, and founder of that exotic delicacy served in the snack bar on Earth – Wolffries.

This influx of Canis Lupus began several years ago with Imperial Edict #428/W/05 adding wolves to the list of endangered species in DataSpace and protecting them from capture or kill. This was partly in response to the repeated DDs of one of a trio of wolf player characters at that time, Wolfman. Evidence has recently been uncovered that the edict was also motivated by Emperor Ming’s fears that Wabbit clones might soon take over Federation if natural population controls were not protected. Sources quote him as saying, "The wolf is, at base, a cautious, indeed cowardly killing machine. That is precisely why they are valuable additions to ecosystems like Data Space that are threatened by over browsing of natural vegetable commodities."

Intervention by Imperial government has led to recent explosions in the wolf population. Bays of stock are in high demand among thieving stevedores channeling their wares to the black market. Marsrat pizza is becoming a scarce food staple at CDs as hungry predators begin stalking prey in the Mars ruins. Fur prices are predicted to plunge in the summer months as an over-supply of shed hair hits the exchanges.

Newcomers to the Fed and urbanites insulated from space trade traditions see the wolves as displaced natives who must be returned to the ecosystem. Conversely, many native Fedizens view wolf reintroduction as the imposition of an alien culture. To them, the wolf causes a whimsical waste of resources that threatens agricultural developments and the traditional culture.

Wolves have evolved as careful killers. However, we want them to be discriminating in their predation. This requires that we permit hunters to shoot wolves that kill livestock and marsrats. As wolf numbers increase, so will this problem. It is irresponsible to pretend otherwise.

The galactic downlisting process to reduce wolves from endangered to threatened will be initiated this month. Delisting from both the endangered and threatened lists should begin by year-end and be completed within two years. Because the wolf population has recovered from an endangered status, guidelines have been developed for managing wolves as a threatened species and eventually as a nonlisted species. These guidelines provide a conservation strategy for maintaining a healthy viable population of wolves in Data Space, and contribute toward recovery, while addressing problems that may occur with wolf depredation on livestock or pets.

1. Planet owners will be allowed to protect their families, pets and livestock under guidelines to be adopted;

2. Fair compensation will be given according to market value of animals lost, whether livestock or pets;

3. Trapping and/or hunting by qualified or certified trappers/hunters (who have attended an education/orientation seminar before licenses will be issued) will be implemented.

It would be a shame for management to be left up to Mother Nature to eliminate the over-abundance of wolves through over-population disease and DD when Fedizen control can keep the wolf population under Mother Nature's allotted population size.

And besides, the next wolf that raids my kibble stash is going to become a throw rug in front of my fireplace!

by Horatio

Well, it looks like the weather here is finally starting to turn around. We're going from the normal mountain-winter yuck we've been stuck with to the well-received normal mountain-spring yuck we've been longing for lo these many months.

Don't ask me why.

The days here have been jumping back and forth between gorgeously warm temperatures and the disgusting type of rain. We all know this type of rain: it's more than drizzle, but doesn't have the ambition to really become rain, so all it does is get everything damp and humid. Still, since winter often brings heavy snowfall here (which disappointed me by not coming this year), many people are welcoming the change of precipitation to a form that usually just goes away. Unless, of course, the river is flooding, but that's another issue entirely.

I'm one of those strange people who likes snow. When there's a blizzard raging outside, I'm a happy guy, until it comes time to shovel Mr. Driveway, then I become Mr. Icicle while trying to pull-start the paperweight I call Mr. Snowblower. It's at times like that when you begin to understand why that engine-starting feature is called "choke"... that's precisely what you want to do to the bozo who designed the two-cycle engine.

However, a snowblower is of minimal use in our present weather. It's far too small to shelter under from the rain, and it doesn't really dry off the ground too well if you run it. So, I've been staying inside a lot lately, running around in Fed. And this is what brings me to the gist of this week's article, which is...

I hate all of you beach planet owners.

Well, not seriously. But it's somewhat frustrating when your real-world environment is sodden to the core and someone else is enjoying a planet that evidently doesn't have the word "rain" in its collective vocabulary. I will, however, state that those wonderful beach planets are a great place to distract yourself when your car is floating out of the parking lot, but once again, that's another issue entirely.

So, as a result, I've been hatching plans for the drying out of my living environment. So far, the only plan I've come up with is moving the Earth a little closer to the sun to dry things out a bit, but, as all my veteran readers well know (say it with me, kids!), sun bad.

In the end, then, I will find myself a cozy beach planet to sit on until the rain sees fit to stop. I will sit there on the white sand beach with an umbrella drink (although in my present state of mind, I'm going to be drinking an entire patio set before I'm mellowed out) and wait for the rain to stop. And, as an added benefit, I know from personal experience that my snowblower won't mind, as I know it works well with sand. That is a story I don't want to discuss and I thank you for not asking about it.

Let's just say I've been banned from Atlantis.

by Danny

I've noticed recently that more and more people are becoming more and more hostile. There's nothing wrong with this of course, but hostility in the hands of a moron is a dangerous thing. It may irritate me, for instance. So, I decided to do a service to DataSpace and myself, mostly myself, and draw on my vast hostility experience to write up a simple how-to, summarized in some easy to understand "Dos" and "Don'ts".

Do: Target your hostility at those deserving of it.
Before unleashing your wrath, wait until you find a worthy target. Wait for someone to beg for money or puzzle answers, maybe a cheater macro program. And make the hostility applicable to the offense.

Don't: Target your hostility randomly.
Definitely do not unleash fury on people for what they've done in the past, unless it relates to something very recent, as in under two minutes prior to the fury. Also, do not attack based on assumptions or the word of others. Very bad form, and will accomplish nothing.

Do: Be coherent.
The assumption that everyone knows what you mean is dangerous. Be sure to at least attempt to use some language fluently, so as not to lose the potential target. For instance, "Earn your own money and don't bother me" is an effective reply to a beggar. Simple and to the point.

Don't: Be a moron.
Extremely general insults are bad. And remember, sarcasm doesn't carry well in text. Also, if you sigh and remark that you already said that, be sure you actually said that. "Oh, that is so like you" is a prime example of what to avoid.

Do: Remember to incorporate the idea of apathy.
Apathy is key. Apathy is The Way. You're hostile, yes, but you don't care. If you care, suddenly you have a purpose, and you're not just hostile anymore. Defeats the whole idea, really.

Don't: Bother me.
One last thing. Whatever you do, leave me alone. I don't care. Really, I don't. Your insults are lame, your point is vague, and you give me a headache.

So there you have it, the basics of hostility. If you have any questions, don't ask me because I don't want to talk to you. Go away.

by Chewbacon - the big fur, the big teeth, the big feet - It's all in style!

Saint Patrick's Day is another one of those nightmare days I mentioned at the beginning of the year. I am constantly bombarded by people checking to see if I'm wearing something green and being pinched by the idiots who don't notice my green item of clothing. It is very similar in DataSpace; someone shimmers in on you, examines you, and if you are not wearing something green, you are pinched!

The next thing that bothers me is what to wear. My usual attire is jeans and a white t-shirt. I don't like to wear green. This means I have to pay the arm and the leg to buy fuel for my ship and goto Tux Deluxe and buy something suitable.

This next problem isn't doesn't effect me, but I'd like to point it out. For those of you who cannot buy alcohol before 1.00pm on a Sunday: it sucks to be you. And here is something that applies to most of the working folks: you have to work the next day. We all feel bad enough on Mondays and it doesn't help one's morale to be hugging the porcelain throne.

Saint Patrick's Day, I have one thing to do: sit in my ship out of shimmerer's reach.

by Horatio

Recently, as I was being reincarnated at one of the many helpful health care centers in Fed, I was miffed at myself for wandering merrily into a deathtrap. I knew where the silly thing was, and like the bozo I can sometimes be, I just stepped right into it. Stupid. However, I wasn't mad at myself for long, because my anger quickly turned to confusion when I re-insured myself. The insurance clerk, after lightening my wallet considerably, told me that I now had cells on-file, ready to bring me back the next time I idiotically killed myself (he didn't use those exact words). And it was at that moment a realization struck me.

While our numbers have dwindled from previous years, there are still a significant number of people living in Fed. And out of all of us, I'd say that 99% of us are insured, if not all of us. This means that there are cells on file for all of us, so that we can be reincarnated quickly and conveniently the next time we forget we can't breathe underwater. So this means that the hospital must be able to quickly identify our remains (sometimes not an easy task...SUN BAD!), find our personal cells in the cell bank, retreive said cells, clone us, and upload our memories into our new body quickly enough that we don't really notice much of a delay. Frankly I find all of that perfectly believable. Except for the filing part.

In the times I've been to a doctor or hospital, it seems as though they have continually suffered filing problems. Sometimes they can't find my records. Sometimes they find them, but can't find what they're looking for IN them (which usually results in them drawing more blood - something I enjoy so much, let me tell you). Recently, a hospital had to request my patient records from my normal doctor, who promptly faxed the records over. However, there was some kind of mix-up, the end result of which was that while my vital stats sheet was on top, someone else's records were underneath, which led to a doctor asking me, a guy, exactly how long ago I was six months pregnant.

So this begs the question: how does the hospital keep all of our cells straight? Don't tell me computers; my doctor's office has computers and they only make things worse. Can you imagine how awful a mix-up would be? It would be far more embarassing than being asked personal questions about someone else's person. I like my friend Fahfard, but I don't want to be occupying his personal personage.

So far, though, I haven't run into such a terrible mistake. I'm not sure how they're managing their filing system, but they seem to be handling it well enough that we're all still around in our proper forms, even if we are sometimes cursed with draft-prone clothing. However, I did have an unfortunate order mixup when I went in for a strength increase.

I guess because "strength" and "switch" both start with S.

by Chewbacon - the big fur, the big teeth, the big feet - It's all in style!

Thursday night, my Student Government Association (another name for popularity contest) at my school held a talent show. I wasn't planning on going to it, but some people I know asked me to come see their bands perform. The first band on the roster of those expressing their talent was a grunge band. I never heard any of their songs, but read some of the lyrics, which were far (put extreme emphasis on "far") from tasteful. The song they played started with a good beat and when the first verse started, I was immediately disappointed; the guy really didn't sing, he yelled and distorted his voice to the a point where you couldn't understand a word he was saying. The audience broke into laughter and I just looked down and shook my head. I even read the lyrics to three of their songs and I couldn't make out if it was one of them!

Next band played pretty well beside their microphone amp not working correctly. You couldn't hear their voices too well, but the music itself was good. Last band played an excellent tune and you could actually hear them. So two out of the ten acts I saw had some real talent – other than that, I left disappointed, my wallet three-dollars lighter (could've saw both of the could bands for free elsewhere), and the thought that my school is nearly without talent.

As the initial band with an inane purpose played… or whatever you call it… I decided to take the time to figure out what I would write about. I couldn't think of anything, so I looked through the lineup for the show to see what was next: a free-verse poem! Who could not like free-verse? It has a flow, doesn't necessarily rhyme.

It reminded me of Prufrock Poetry corner. Entertaining to see people type out their songs, poems, short stories, etc. and express good talent and some not-so-good talent. Sadly, it is no more.

Then it hit me that I found something to write about. That's a wrap, have a good week, folks!


The only mail I received this week was a rambling letter from Wolfkill. He complained that depleting the wolf population would lead to the citizens of DataSpace turning into a nasty, rambunctious, trashy group of coyotes prone to uncontrolled breeding.

Sorry Wolfkill, it's way too late already.

Nowhere in his letter did I spot a request for a planet review, and the only other habitants of my mailbox were a few stray interstellar dust motes. Hazed has become more and more sarcastic (my term for whapping me on the snout) as week after week I submitted useless non-review articles for the Chronicle. Every once in a while I'd break up the routine with a lame excuse for why I didn't send in anything, but I do believe she's grown weary of that brand of creativity.

So this week I decided to take the Icedrake-gobbling-planets approach to reviewing. I'd just pick one poor unlucky soul at random and review his or her rock no matter what state of development it was in! Sitting at the Sol link I closed my eyes and typed >Display Routes into my nav computer, and headed for the first planet that appeared on my display.

Arena (Starbase1), Duchy of Sol - Overlord Ming the Merciless


Now that was quite a clever use of events by Mr. Ming – the first time I've ever approached the link to a system and immediately been transported out of my ship, thrown groundside, and had my clothes ripped off before I could even bat an eye or scratch a flea. Not too bad, I thought. This might prove to be an interesting system, full of surprises and mazes and all kinds of neat things to explore and events to trigger. The landing pad did look a little like a hospital, but I seemed dressed for the occasion in my flap-back gown. The toe tag was a little annoying but I found eventually I could make it flap on the tile floor in time with the clickity-click of my toenails.

I made my way out of that location to what appeared to be the hub of a space station where the most outstanding feature (Okay, let's be honest. The only feature.) was a black monolith that did nothing. It was a very nicely proportioned monolith, but the only sense I could make of it was it had to be a stylized version of a fire hydrant. I used it accordingly. In one-movement locations from the monolith I found tersely described shipyards, repair shop, exchange, electronics store, weapons shop, hospital, insurance office, engineering office, and a very small (at least in terms of descriptive text) bar.

And that was all I found. Surely this must be a work in progress, because what was there wasn't much. Why, there wasn't even anyplace to replace my clothes! Figuring all the other locations must be hidden ones I wasn't going to find, I crawled back into my ship to head for home.

That was easier said than done. I found many more locations in space than I did on the base itself. There was empty space, lonely space, space above the plane of the ecliptic, space below the plane of the ecliptic, space near the edge of nowhere, space at the edge of nowhere, and space beyond the edge of nowhere. There was deep space, grim space, and space a long way from home. Every once in a while I'd try to hail one of the mobiles that passed by me but they were completely unresponsive to my pleas for help. I was lost. The orbit of Starbase1 had disappeared. The link was not to by found by this hound.

Frustration seized me as I tried unsuccessfully to hail another passing cruiser. When it didn't respond I banged my paws on the weapons console, accidentally unleashing a small burst from my decorative mag guns at the passing ship.


There went that event again, and I was standing once more in the hospital location with a fresh gown. I'd had enough of this planet, and sold my ship and traveled back to my doghouse this time. If you ever plan on visiting Arena space or Starbase1, don't count on a lot of script to entertain you. Do count on leaving in a hospital gown! This is one spot I'd mark off my list of fun weekend afternoon explorations!

(If you start wondering about the places and items in the text of Starbase1, check out prior issues of the Chronicle for explanations!)


Mars, Sol - Danny, Savior of the First Dannitarian Church, President of the DataSpace Bar Association, and generally evil jerk, has decided to consider finally doing his Third Annual Build.

"Well, yeah, I guess it has been a year..." said Danny at a press conference. "And 'annual' kinda implies I have to do one yearly. But I don't want to. Say, anyone wanna haul some stuff?"

When one reporter pointed out the difficulty of hauling things to a planet in a closed duchy with only one other open planet, he was immediately imprisoned for heresy.

The call has been placed for commodities related to an Energy build, and Danny has finally accepted the problem, though he has a solution. "If that Prophet [Cen] would finally get to work and become a Duke this would all be much easier. Why isn't he a Duke, anyway?"

Further developments will be reported on as they arise.

by Chewbacon - the big fur, the big teeth, the big feet - It's all in style!

This has been a good week for me. My dad returned to the US to visit the family after working nearly three months in Mitrovica, Kosovo. I have a rare feeling of optimism; nothing stands in the way of me. Oh, there it is: the feeling of being in a place of infinite possibilities and the chances of absolutes are zero (zeeeeroooo) just returned to me.

How many of my valued readers like being in an active duchy? I think everyone does; you don’t have to go anywhere to talk someone. As your influencing Newsdroid, I say: Down with active duchies! I like being an only PO in a duchy – I pretty much own the place. In a democracy of one, you get what you want. There aren’t multiple political parties to throw idle insults at each other, no votes to decide what goes because what I say goes! A pretty good life, isn’t it?

Ming forbid that someone moves in with me and puts the voting article of Antigo’s constitution into effect. However, if I’m the Duchess’ Right Hand, I could still call the shots, couldn’t I? Just cut a few lines of the Constitution and add them back later? Some of you may think it doesn’t sound fair; I was in this duchy first!

Before I close, all rabbit-like entities should probably steer clear of me. I’m hunting wabbits for my excellent Wabbit-Carrot stew I make on Easter Sunday. Armor, shields, and keeping your battle computer on automatic would be a good idea.

by Jelly

This week, instead of interviewing Dukes and Duchesses, I decided to talk to Industrialists. (Don’t worry Dukes/Duchesses, that’s next week!) Let’s see what they had to say.

Jelly says, "Many of the ranks have a new experience associated with them - squires have a new planet to manage, barons get to teleport, and dukes have a whole bunch of planets to govern."
"Do you feel 'left out' as an industrialist?", Jelly asks.

Genike smiles, "No, I don't feel left out because although we don't have anything "New" Indy's generally have the best EX's so it evens it out"

Alexy says, "I don't, I've been gone from Fed for a while so I will be getting reacquainted with Fed."

Jelly asks, "What rank do you think you will stop promoting at, and why?"

"Baroness so I can have the porter", smiles Again.

Genike smiles, "I will stall at Baron for a bit to promo my alt to baron and then promo to duke"

"For me, I said I would stop at Thane because of the exchange I had, but starting up again, I want to make Baroness. Also for the porter", says Alexy with a wink.

Genike exclaims, "Thane!"
"Do you wanna know why?", asks Genike.

Jelly says, "sure"

Again exclaims, "Cuz that's when he met me!"
"lol", says Again.
Again has given Genike a hot tickle!

"LOL Umm yeah that too", says Genike with a wink.
Genike says, "My ex was AWESOME at thane, I only had 3 defs :( I should have filled up my accounts"

Alexy winks and says, "gosh, I want to say Merchant because of the time period, 4 years ago, but I'll say Thane for the Ex"

That’s it for this week. Dukes and Duchess watch out during this week for Jelly coming by with her questions.


- Message Starts -

From: Directorate of Naval Intelligence, Operations Section

Recent intelligence has established a containment breach and possible health hazard within the Sol system. DNI scientists are working on positive identification of various mounds of unknown substance found early this morning throughout the system. Primary analysis suggests the material may have originated from some region outside of DataSpace, thus posing a significant risk of widespread infection of the Fed populace and suggesting that other sentient beings may have found a way to breach the protective barrier between Federation DataSpace and that largely unexplored and hazardous territory known as Real Life.

Other anomalies noted in Sol include sightings of rare white bunnies. These creatures have heretofore been confined to remote areas of the Martian ruins, and are often connected to ghosts of lost adventurers never returning from exploring the twisty alleys of Mars. In an unrelated incident, screeches of outrage were heard over the comms as the Demi-Goddess Hazed reported her secret stash of solid chocolate Easter Eggs uncovered and pilfered.

Additional unconfirmed rumors have surfaced concerning the canine planet reviewer for the Chronicle, the Dishonorable Senator Alsatian. Various mobiles reported seeing the hound fleeing through Sol, occasionally stopping in locations where the previously mentioned mounds of unknown substance were later discovered. Any connection between the bunnies, the Senator, the chocolate, and the mounds has yet to be uncovered.

DNI scientists are working on implementing a hazard containment and identification plan, code-named Operation SCOOP, and are optimistic they will have all foreign substances retrieved and safely stored in the hazardous waste area formerly know as Hilbert space.

- Message Ends -