Earthdate June 1999




What was in June 1999's Inside Scoop:


by Elin

Denial is a wonderful thing, and is a survival trait in many situations. Who could stand to drive to work or cross the street if they had to constantly review all the opportunities for catastrophe that present themselves? Sure, the economy could go boom. Meanwhile, somebody still has to cook dinner.

Its usefulness elsewhere is more questionable. If someone says on the one hand "this" and on the other hand "that", and all you see is the "this" because it fits with your previous thinking, are you really listening? A number of people liked my last column, saying variously that it was about time someone said something about the DHL or that it was about time someone spoke up about all the sex in Fed.

People, people, people. The last column was about seeing things as either black or white, good or bad. OK, so some people harbor ancient grudges or dislike our friends for reasons we find incomprehensible. Other people seem determined to hurt themselves, or to get involved with the wrong friends or lovers, choosing inappropriate partner after inappropriate partner or questionable friend after questionable friend. Maybe these people lack insight into their own motivations, but this doesn't mean they have nothing of value to say.

Other people confuse Fed with therapy, and tell us way more than we want to know. Decent people follow bad leaders, either through gullibility or failure to question what they hear. Honorable people can have really strange ideas. But because they are wrong or fail in this specific way does not make them a total loss as individuals, and we shouldn't believe those who say so, or we will lose the opportunity to know some great people.

So maybe I am preaching. Somebody needs to. Collectively, I think we should all look at what we do and why we do it. I see a lot of people out there pointing fingers, worrying about the mote in their neighbor's eye. OK, gossip can be fun. But realize that this is what you are doing. So maybe you get a warm glow of self-satisfaction after you call someone names. Don't kid yourself that you are doing either you or them any good though, whether you cloak your name-calling in sanctimony or not.

It is just as sanctimonious to call someone immature for questioning your morality as it is to call people immoral or evil simply because you don't like their ideas. People can have wrong ideas, and still be good people. Questioning a person's ideas does not constitute a personal attack on the person that had them. Geez. It is about time some of us learned this.

by Elin

I sing the game as it is in our thoughts, a place where we are what we wish we were or who we would sometimes like to be. In secret places we are all people we have no opportunity to be, because of gender or education or money. All of these are irrelevant in Federation, where we can as easily be princesses as frogs, truck drivers as ballerinas. Some of us are in fact several contradictory characters, all of which are genuinely us.

Let me praise a place where people who would never know each other in their daily lives can explore reaches of themselves and of each other. Outside of Federation, would I ever have met Whimsy, the lovely, ethereal Whimsy, with her shy smile and long hair, in real life a male college student who grew up on a ranch? I suggest that had we met, on campus let us say, it would never have occurred to either of us that we might have a basis for conversation, let alone the discussion of our secret selves that we shared in midnight talks on Sunfire.

This past Christmas, unprompted players made characters named Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph and Grinch. Where else could you decide that you would like to be Mrsclaus or Cindylouwho? I still laugh when I remember poor Billclinton, being relentlessly pursued by the dastardly Kenstarr. At times you can revel in the wit and intelligence of other players. The infrequency of these occasions makes them no less stellar.

The delight of Fed is that it is not just a momentary escape but can in fact be a totally separate life, where people know you and where old loves and old arguments can resume after one or both parties have been gone for months. Unlike chat rooms, which only rarely progress past name/age checks, Fed players grow to know each other well as they see each other under stress, under attack, while flirting, and yes, while doing more than flirting. I know some of my Fed friends better than I know my sister, and like them more too.

The lack of limits and strict role playing guidelines allows the players' imaginations to spark each other, and at times you can almost hear gears grinding as the Grinch tries to decide what to say to Fatherchristmas or a cobra encounters a mongoose. In real life would you ever have to decide what to say to someone who has just sprayed you with whipped cream? I have complained about the game as loudly as anyone, and possibly more incisively than most. But we all come back, we always come back, because where else would we meet each other?

by Horatio

Read the bar posts. Listen to the comm chatter. Talk to a lot of people and they all may say essentially the same thing: Fed's being ruined by real life. In some ways, it's true; we have our political spats and real-world-esque problems, but there is at least one case that we have thankfully left real life at the doorstep: in-laws.

The bane of many people's marriages (and I can't say I blame them) are the in-laws. Constantly badgering and meddling, trying to fix or sometimes break everything - they can be a giant economy-size pain. Sure, there are the fun events that happen, like the gatherings and cookouts on holidays, but frankly, watching two grown men nearly come to blows over whether or not the burgers are medium or medium well is not my idea of fun.

However, those same two men will probably never be caught in a bar rolling up some hapless Squire into a ball and rolling him along the floor into a phalanx of other people set up like pins. Nor will they be likely to both go to a Mardi Gras celebration on the rowdiest planet available with their entire families.

It just doesn't work that way.

But thankfully, it does in Fed! Come on, folks! When was the last time you saw your father-in-law dance drunk on a bar table for ten minutes singing in his loudest possible voice? (All Irish persons like myself should probably disregard that; you've probably seen it.) So instead of doing something negative like yelling, hollering, or plotting to blow up Mercury because Slarti laughed at your plans, grab mom and dad, pack the kids in the porter, and head on over to Diesel's! With the waitdroid problems they've been having, it could be a ton of fun! Who knows? Maybe I'll see you there. If I do, I promise not to mention how dad was hitting on Diesel before she hit him, and how mom put the fruit basket on her head and danced for a half an hour.


by Tickenest

Ok, let's face it. Federation has become stagnant. Even my return from the void of the offline world hasn't helped (heh). Ok, Fed's not really stagnant, but let's just assume that it is. Otherwise, this article won't be nearly as funny. How to correct this great calamity? I suggest an infusion of new ranks sprinkled among the current ranks, thereby giving everyone new purpose within Fed. Here are just a few of my proposed new ranks:

Idiot: This is a person who has mastered the step of setting up an IB account, but has not figured out how to log into the game. Now, we must forgive Idiots for expecting some sort of Java access to Federation (we were promised this about two years ago, no?), but really, telnet's not that tricky, is it?

Catholic Schoolgirl: I think the gents will appreciate this addition. Now, Catholic Schoolgirls, as everybody knows, have potential to be serious hotties. Mastery of the Catholic Schoolgirl rank is required for all female Fedders, and promotion to Merchant requires picking up and then dumping ten Catholic Schoolboys in a ten-day period. Likewise, Catholic Schoolboys promote by being dumped by ten separate Catholic Schoolgirls in a ten-day period. Catholic Schoolgirls are given a boost of 20 dexterity points to help them fend off, uh, "overactive" Catholic Schoolboy hands. Likewise, Catholic Schoolboys receive a boost of 20 stamina points to help them run around, desperately trying to pick up chicks.

Hazee: No, nothing to do with the demi-goddess. An Explorer promotes to Hazee by successfully constructing his planetary link. The Hazee promotes to Squire by enduring a ten-day period of extreme hazing at the hands of the current POs, or, lacking any available POs, Fed Staff. Hazees must do whatever POs or staff tell them to, including, but not limited to, waking up in the middle of the night to haul in deficits, memorizing large chunks of the Idiot's Guide, games of Rover Red Rover in the radioactive dome on Titan, hide and seek in the Martian Ruins, forced marches through the Venusian mines, and streaking through Earth's terminus.

Exile Due to Communist Revolution: Ok, pop quiz-Natural Planetary Progression: Agriculture, Mining & Extraction, Industrial...Technical? Don't think so. As everyone knows, it goes Agriculture, Mining & Extraction, Industrial, Communist Revolution. People, we all learned this in History class, didn't we? Upon completion of an Industrialist's 30th build, the oppressed proletariat rise up in revolution and overthrow the PO, who flees to Chez Diesel. Promotion to Baron occurs after thirty days of exile, when a coup takes place due to serf discontent with the failing economy and government intervention, the exiled PO is brought back by popular demand, and the planet is automatically designated Leisure to keep the work force from becoming disgruntled again.

Lastly, the Duke class needs to be renamed. After all, what is a Duke but someone of royal blood who wasn't born soon enough? This does not describe a Duke's tasks very accurately. Let's see. What exactly does a Duke do? Well, a Duke tricks POs into joining his duchy and then leeches all of their money while doing nothing in return except bossing everyone around. I think the title of Robber Baron or Bureaucrat would be more appropriate, no?

Additionally, Guild Masters should be required to actually form a fully functional guild before promoting, and all Groundhogs should have to pass a drug test first before being given their licenses.


Disaster struck Chez Diesel yesterday as the WaitDroids went haywire. Angry patrons stormed out in disgust, with reports of being served the wrong drinks, given disgusting undrinkable concoctions, and in extreme cases having the drinks poured over them.

"It's chaos in there," said Squire Trelawney. "I ordered a beer - it was twenty minutes before a WaitDroid brought me the drink and when it arrived it had cherries and icecubes and cocktail umbrellas and god knows what floating in it. There was even a goddamned monkey hanging off the side of the glass."

JourneyPerson Petalhat was furious about what had happened to her. "Look at my dress - it's ruined," she said, almost in tears. "The WaitDroid brought me my drink alright, it just forgot the glass. It poured the bottle all over me. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get blackcurrant syrup out of white silk? I'll sue!"

The problems started when Diesel's chief mechanic upgraded the WaitDroid software to a newer version. The upgrade was intended to add an array of new features to the mechanical waiters, including a speech program allowing them to listen sympathetically to drunken customers' woes, and a telepathic mode to help them bring drinks to people before they even asked for them. But the upgrade was a fiasco, introducing a whole slew of bugs into the WaitDroids which prevented them from carrying out even basic functions.

"I just don't understand it," whimpered Nurd Geekback, the engineer in charge of maintaining Diesel's WaitDroids. "We tested the software thoroughly on our bar simulator and none of these problems showed up. The supplier assured us that the upgrade is being used in many bars throughout the Galaxy without problem. They say it must be a problem with the hardware."

Whatever the cause of the problem, it's a disaster for Diesel's trade. It doesn't take much for fickle drinkers to find a new watering hole, and the other bar owners in Sol are ready to take advantage of her problems. The manager of the Lounge Bar on Mercury is already offering refugees from CDs cut-price drinks, and Fedruckers promises free cookies with every pint of beer for the next week.

But Diesel is determined that the damage from this will be brief and that her bar, formerly known as the Social Center of the Solar System, will recover. I asked her about her plans.

"First, we back out this new software and get the Droids working again. Once they are capable of following orders, they'll clean the place up, fix the broken furniture, and we can reopen for business. We'll be offering twofers on all drinks and meals for the next month, to show our customers that we care."

She sighed and for a moment looked every one of her two hundred and thirty seven years old. "It'll be hard work, persuading people it's safe to drink here again, but we can do it.

"Next, I've got an opening for a new engineer. That's after I make a new opening in the current engineer." She swung her baseball bat, leaving me in no doubt what she meant.

"Of course, I should look on the bright side. It could be worse. Much, much worse." How, I asked her? "That idiot engineer wanted to upgrade the software of the Executive Services Droids first... can you imagine the damage that would have caused?"


Stumbling round with stolen porter Jamel has just arrived.

"Whose porter have you stolen?" Hazed asks.

"it was lying on my LP so i just took it," says Jamel.

"Lying on your LP? A likely story," Hazed says.

Jamel says, "big party, lots of drinking."

"Didn't you think someone might be looking for it?" Hazed asks.

"Someone musta flew home without it," says Jamel.

Hazed says, "You should have taken it to the lost property office on Venus."

"No, I kinda like it, I think I'll keep it," says Jamel.

"A few squires have tried to claim it," says Jamel.

Hazed exclaims, "Some Baron or Duke probably woke up next morning, hungover, tried to teleport into the shower and just fell out of bed!"

"I suppose you go around testing airlocks to see if people have left their ships unlocked," Hazed says.

"Well of course", says Jamel.

Hazed makes a note to check her ship.

"The dragon Dahzin does a lot. Very forgetful, dragons," says Jamel.

"Oh well, she's got wings, she doesn't really need a ship to get around," Hazed says.

Jamel says, "and when Phiddie went away for the weekend I used her ship all weekend. Very good fighter."

"She even left the keys in it," says Jamel.

Hazed says, "How silly of her."

The moral of the story: lock your ship, don't drop your porter, hang onto your spybeam... otherwise you'll lose them!


HER: I met him at the terminus on Earth one night as I was drinking a beer and looking for a party. He was so sweet, gentle and considerate. We went for a walk along the main road on Earth, and he told me he dreamed of being a Duke one day. He slipped his hand into mine as he said this, and said he hoped I would share his future. No girl could resist anything so romantic.

HIM: She was... perfect. We sat and talked for hours. Or, we didn't even talk. We didn't have to. Then I found out who her friends were. Now, I am all for giving someone the benefit of the doubt. But her friends... are animals. I can't believe my sweet girl talks to them, let alone calls them friends.

HER: Then one night I told him this story about my best friend. This guy she is seeing actually got upset cause she slept with someone else, can you imagine it? I mean, it's not like they are married or anything, who does he think he is, her father? And my sweetie got so upset, I couldn't believe it. He said the most horrible things about her, and I slapped him.

HIM: I've heard they sleep with livestock. Livestock! I've heard they'll do it anywhere... on LPs, in the Cantina, CDs... even on the Sol Link. So I told her, plain and simple. "Your friends make love to animals. I don't think I should see you anymore." Then she slapped me. Hard, too.

HER: Nobody talks about my friends that way. I don't care what they do. As long as they aren't hurting anybody what business is it of his? Well, maybe that guy she was seeing got a little hurt, but serves him right for getting his feelings involved. After all, my sweetie has surely been involved with someone before!

HIM: She asked me if I had ever had sex, and I almost wet my pants. I couldn't believe she would think such a thing. Nice people don't have sex, they make love, I told her. She informed me that my friends would shun me because we had held hands in public. She said I was a Puritan (whatever that is - I don't like history). I tried to explain to her. We're very affectionate. Yes, we do have a moral code, unlike the heathens she associates with. Sex with chickens on Interstellar links. Madness.

HER: And here I had this big wedding planned, with a long white brocade dress and a veil and three bridesmaids. What am I supposed to tell them, I ask you. I am going to have to find someone else to marry, I guess.

HIM: But after she slapped me I went back to our code of conduct, and I see now where I went wrong. I see the light, I do, I do!