The exact origins of SpyNet are unknown, although it is rumored to have evolved from the merger of the 20th century organizations known as the FBI, CIA, KGB, AAA and MFI. One of their fields is now commercial intelligence. Such information as they gather is available to anyone, for no charge. Such altruism - they must have a sinister ulterior motive, but until we find out what it is, let's take advantage of their freebies. It is rumored that SpyNet has its offices on Earth, but nobody knows where.

SpyNet provides a number of services for players.

SpyNet Notice will notify you when players log on and off the game. 'SPYNET NOTICE' toggles this information on or off. The setting only lasts for your current game session - it defaults to being off, and if you want the notifications you will need to switch it on each time you log on.

SpyNet Report will give you a report of the status of a player in the game. 'SPYNET REPORT DORK' will provide a report on Dork - his ship details, current location and so on. If he's a planet-owner it will tell you what cartel he is a member of.

SpyNet Review is a report on births, marriages, deaths, promotions and other notable happenings. The command to read the report is 'SPYNET REVIEW'. It is cleared whenever the game fires up.

SpyNet Financial reports give information about company information such as dividend payouts. Read the report with 'SPYNET FINANCIAL'.

SpyNet will change the entry for your race in return for 2 slithy toves. The new race will be all lower case and with no spaces (so it can only be one word). Email and give your Fed2 character name, and the new race that you want.

The SpyNet Organization has asked the Idiot's Guide to stress that it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information it supplies.

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