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Designing a Web Site:
My Home Page - Why?

Your ISP offers you 5 meg of web space, absolutely free. Great, you think, I can have my very own web page! The web is cool, so having my own home page will make me look cool too.

But why? Before you gaily start to put together a home page for yourself, wait just a moment, and think about why you want one.

Because I can? That's not a good enough reason. A web page is there for other people to read. So you have to have something to say. What do you have to offer that you think other people will want to read or to look at?

It's astonishing how many home pages are put up with nothing of substance on them. A few facts about the owner and a picture of her dog, that's all. Of no possible interest to anyone who doesn't know who she is - and hey, people who know her probably already know how old she is, what she does for a living, and what her dog looks like.

So please, whatever you do, don't even think about starting to code a web page until you know what you want the web page to be about.

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