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Designing a Web Site:
Different Uses for
a Web Site

Here are some suggestions of what you could put on a web site, to make it more than just a list-of-facts-and-pet-pic page.

Hobby Sites - do you have an interesting hobby that you want people to know about? Fishing, train-spotting, pumpkin-breeding, model-making, line-dancing... whatever your hobby or interest, you can put information about it up on the web and teach other people about it. You can also make contact with other people with the same interest.

Creative Sites - if you draw or paint, or write stories, or compose music or write songs, then you can use the web as a showcase for your work. Self-publishing has never been so easy. You can get instant feedback from people on what they think of your work.

Organization Sites - if you are a member of your local (fill-in-the-blank) site, you can put information about the organization, or society, or association, or social group or whatever it is on the web to help members keep in touch with what's going on. Your web site becomes a kind of online newsletter, much easier to produce and publish than a paper version.

Fanzines - if you really, really love a particular pop group, or a particular TV series, or movie star, or football team, or whatever, you can put information about it on your web site. Share your enthusiasm with other people, and make contact with others who feel the same way you do.

That's just a few ideas of how to use a web site to say something interesting or useful, that other people will want to read about. There are many more. Use your imagination. Just make sure you have something to say!

More on Desiging a Web Site