Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 28, 2018

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by Hazed

There’s a new jetpack in town, that you can just step onto and fly. It’s called the Zapata Ezfly, and to use it you just stand on a small platform which is equipped with a series of jet thrusters, you hold two handgrips that come up from the base, then you rise up into the air and steer using your bodyweight – just like a Segway.

The advantage over previous models is that it shouldn’t take much training to operate, and you don’t have to strap yourself into special boots. You just stand on the platform and hang onto the controllers.

The link below has a video of a testing session from last October. Ten pilots each jumped on board and zoomed over the surface of a lake somewhere in Texas. They all figured out how to make it work quickly, and there were no incidents.

This sounds very exciting!

Source: https://newatlas.com/zapata-ezfly-flying-segway/53044/

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