Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 29, 2014

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by Hazed

In a move which must surely give him the accolade of “dumbest criminal of the year so far”, Nicholas Wig broke into a house on South St Paul, Minnesota but left incontrovertible evidence of his guilt behind.

The owner of the property, James Wood, arrived home on 19 June to find it had been burgled. Cash, credit cards and a watch were missing. In a strange move, the thief left behind his Nike tennis shoes, a belt and some jeans. Now possibly the police could have got some DNA off these discarded items in order to identify the perp – but they didn’t need to.

Because Wood noticed that the burglar had been using his computer. What’s more, he’d logged onto Facebook. And he’d left his profile open on the machine.

So Wood posted a message on the timeline, announcing the burglary and giving his phone number. At this point, the dumbness gets even dumberer, because Wig actually responded by texting Wood. Wood sent a reply which said, “you left a few things at my house last night, how can I get them back to you?” So Wig agreed to meet up with Wood.

The meeting didn’t actually happen because then Wood saw Wig in the street and recognised him from the pictures on his Facebook profile. He called the cops, and Wig was cuffed. He’s now facing up to 10 years in jail.

Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/25/facebook_sting/

Bonus Facebook/criminal fail: idiot vandalises sports car then posts pictures on Facebook: http://metro.co.uk/2014/06/18/he-auto-know-better-idiot-yob-jumps-up-and-down-on-new-250000-sports-car-then-posts-a-picture-of-it-on-facebook-4767122/

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