The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 31, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 131156:1735 - Occy: Pokemon (n.), a Jamaican proctologist.

Stardate: 131160:2790 - Occy: I asked the bartender for a small sample and he gave me this micro brew.-

Stardate: 131186:1360 - Djentsch: You know someone had a bad day at Hallmark when you find a greeting card that says: "So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day. Look at the bright side, it's really good pay."

Stardate: 131186:3171 - Occy: Termites in the orchestra pit can lead to digestive harp failure.-
Stardate: 131188:2669 - Zand: I think that Occy is just stringing us along

Stardate: 131194:8447 - Occy: Never hire a depressed exorcist - they're not very good at lifting spirits.-
Stardate: 131195:0766 - Hazed: But if you find a cheerful clairvoyant, slap them - you should always strike a happy medium.

Stardate: 131196:3662 - Djentsch: TABLE SAW: A large stationary power tool commonly used to launch wood projectiles for testing wall integrity.

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