The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 24, 2011

Official News page 3


by Hazed

You may have heard about the new social networking feature introduced by Google, called Google+ - Alan talked about it in his Winding Down last week. I now have an account and I have been experimenting with it.

Until now I have avoided social networking sites - I didn't join Facebook for numerous reasons, and I never could see the point of Twitter. So with Google+ I am still not quite sure what it is actually for, and whether it will hold my interest in the long run.

But my first impressions are that it's well designed and easy to use. There's an app for the iPhone which I have been using. With excellent timing, I was off work last week and I went on several sight-seeing trips to see things in London, such as the London Eye and the Natural History Museum, so to experiment I snapped pictures with the camera on the phone, and then posted them straight to Google+. Very efficient! (The app is available for Android phones too.)

If you're on Google+ and want to be added to one of my circles, contact me ( If you're not on Google+ but would like to be, it's invite-only at the moment while it's in beta, so drop me an email and I can send you an invite.

If enough Fed players are interested, I can set up a Fed circle to send out interesting stuff.

Meanwhile, here's an interesting article using the arrival of Google+ to talk about the difference between friends and acquaintances.

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