The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 26, 2011

Official News page 5


Having made one object to go into your cabinet, if you are fired up with enthusiasm and want to do some more, you can. Here's what you need to do to come up with a second item.

Make the second object:

  • Fire up the object editor and load in the object file.
  • The name of your first object will show up in the panel on the right, and the rest of the screen will be ready for you to provide the info about object number 2.
  • Fill in the name, ID and description just like you did for the first one.
  • Check you haven't fiddled with those important default items.
  • Click Add Object and save the file.

Write the second event:

  • Decide the command to make object number 2 appear: for example, maketrophy. Decide which location to put the command on. It can be the same place as the first one - in fact it's a good idea to keep all your object creating commands in the same place.
  • Fire up the event editor and load in the event file.
  • In the Categories column, click on the category name. In the Sections column, click on the section name. In the Events column, click on event 1.
  • Underneath those columns, click on the Event tab.
  • Click the Next Event button.
  • Fill in a comment.
  • Click the createobject script and type in the ID.
  • Save the file.

Put the command on the map:

  • Fire up the location editor. Click on the location. Click on the Vocabulary tab.
  • Type in the command: for example maketrophy, and the event: for example, objects.cabinet.2. If you're using the same location as you did for the first object, then type in the boxes on the row underneath the first one.
  • Click OK then save the file.

And if this has inspired you to try and write some more events for your planet, then you should download the Advanced Workbench manual which starts you out with some simple events, and builds up to ways to make complex things happen to players that visit your planet. Download it here.

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