The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 26, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 130857:6627 - Occy: The dentist put braces on his patient as a stop-gap measure.-

Stardate: 130865:8719 - Occy: In order to show a profit, the floundering gourmet seafood restaurant was allowed to cook its books since there is no accounting for taste.-
Stardate: 130867:1765 - Lynnea: There is obviously something fishy going on over there.
Stardate: 130871:6165 - Zand: Nah, they did it just for the halibut!

Stardate: 130872:3788 - Zand: Due to the current economic downturn, the light bulb that lights up over your head when you get an idea has been disabled.
Stardate: 130872:3911 - Zand: Of course, many folks will not be affected, their bulbs have remained dim for quite some time

Stardate: 130876:8216 - Rose: He was born to be a pessimist. His blood type is B negative.

Stardate: 130892:5546 - Occy: What snake helps prevent body odor? The pit viper.-

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