The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 10, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 130182:4677 - Djentsch: Did you ever wonder about food that they call Cured... Makes you wonder what might have wrong with it before they cured it.

Stardate: 130192:2973 - Occy: The guilt-ridden shark always has a feeling of remoras.-

Stardate: 130195:9562 - Merepoule: Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?
Stardate: 130197:3211 - Jfour: Can we really be certain about Heisenberg?

Stardate: 130201:1994 - Occy: I once thought about cloning a new, more efficient brain, but then I realized that I was getting a head of myself.-

Stardate: 130227:2448 - Occy: Tautology causes me to worry, stress out and tense up.-
Stardate: 130227:7487 - Hazed: That sounds unpleasant and not at all pleasant.

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