The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 30, 2011

Official News page 5


by Hazed

Drug smugglers can be incredibly inventive, trying to come up with ways to get their illegal wares past border patrols or customs officers without getting caught. Trying to get marijuana over the border, a group of Mexican drug runners recently turned to medieval weaponry.

They made a catapult and used it to hurl drugs over the border fence from Mexico into Arizona.

The catapult was about ten feet tall and mounted on a trailer, towed by a sports utility vehicle. US National Guard troops spotted the unusual activity with their surveillance cameras, and tipped off Mexican authorities, who swooped to sieze the siege weapon together with the bales of weed ready to chuck over the fence.

You can see a picture of the catapult here.

This comes only a few weeks after another South American drug smuggling incident: criminals had attempted to use a pigeon to carry drugs into a prison, but the weight had proved too much for the poor bird and it couldn't make it over the wall! Read this story here.

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