The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 14, 2010

Official News page 2


by Hazed

Last week's stop press explained that a bug had reared its ugly head (or equivalent) so that Blish cities were not actually moving anywhere, even when instructed to do so by their Plutocrat owners. This coincided with Alan's router going kablooey so he was unable to put in a fix right away.

Well, his new router arrived a few days later and after a battle with his ISP's customer service people, he got connected again - to be greeted by the expected deluge of spam! It took him a few days to catch up. Yesterday, the outstanding new planets were linked into the game. Now Alan's working on that bug, and will get the new code finished and ready to go later today. So at tomorrow's reset (Monday) the fix to the Blish city codes should be going in.

If you have previously issued a move command to your city, you will need to do it again in order to start your city's journey to another star system. Just to remind you, the command is 'MOVE cityname TO systemname' where 'cityname' is the name of the city you want to move, and 'systemname' is the destination star system, for example 'move Nutbush City to Limits'. The destination must be in your cartel.

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