The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 19, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 128258:3528 - Occy: Did you hear about the bivalve they called in to interrogate for that big murder investigation? Apparently, he's clammed up.-

Stardate: 128267:0523 - Occy: I missed the card game,' he said wistfully.-

Stardate: 128274:6533 - Occy: The most important thing to know about becoming a urologist is that you have to be able to go with the flow.-
Stardate: 128279:1614 - Otamusima: accountants do it without losing their balance.

Stardate: 128284:1195 - Occy: Doctor Frankenstein's creation was a man of many parts.-

Stardate: 128293:2332 - Occy: Topiary is at the cutting edge of garden design.-

Stardate: 128335:9189 - Occy: I knew the little guy was going to play a prank on me, because of my sense of imp portents.-

Stardate: 128363:4624 - Mentallyhayzed: If you do everything right, No-one will really know if you did anything at all....= P

Stardate: 128396:2840 - Occy: Under the full moon, Hamlet turned into a werewolf. Gazing up at the beautiful moon he came up with the famous line, 'To bay or not to bay...'.-

Stardate: 128439:7764 - Occy: A bacteria walked into a bar and the bartender said, 'We don't serve bacteria in this place.' The bacteria said, 'But I work here, I'm staph.'-

Stardate: 128464:9686 - Occy: The element didn't want to get bonded to its partner. The reason was because it would have to pay compound interest.-


Your comm unit crackles with a message from Otamusima, "so, the comm says.. stop you're turning me on!"

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Jake, "T,C&B intelligence report for Right Foot: A new fad is causing an increase in demand for microscalpels." *chortles* Everyone on Right Foot must be getting microsurgery to get two Left Feet!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Hazed, "Or they are cutting off their right feet to regain symmetry"

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Bonzetti, "You don't want to be holding futures before a reset?"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Bourbon, "they will auto liquidate"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Bourbon, "a bad one should have dumped already, a good one just milk it ;)"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Bezunkel, "yes, futures have udders :)"

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