The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 30, 2010

Official News page 2


by hazed

Next week, if all goes well, the code will go in to let Plutocrats build a graving dock. I am sure you are all looking forward to this, because you've long considered that only the possession of your very own graving dock would make your life worthwhile.

Ok, so what on Mars is a graving dock?

Simple. On a planet, it's a kind of dry dock where water-going ships can be built. But in Fed2, a graving dock is a facility in space where you build Blish cities.

Ok, so what on Mars is a Blish city?

Simple. A Blish city is a spacefaring city that can move around from star system to star system, adding production points to the economy of whatever planet it is in orbit around. They are built by the cartel, and can then attach themselves to any planet in the cartel, producing income for the cartel as well as production for the planet.

They will have an additional benefit: while a Blish city is being built, the planets in the hub system of the cartel will not suffer any disaffection, because all the troublemakers will be on their best behavior as they hope to be chosen to populate the new spacefaring city.

So they are going to be extremely useful!

Blish cities will be implemented in the fullness of time, but the first step in the process is to build a graving dock, so you can then build your cities. The graving dock is built on the cartel's prime planet, and that's where the cities will subsequently be put together.

Building a graving dock isn't like other planetary infrastructure builds. It takes money, time and commodities. You start by issuing the command to build a dock, at which point the cost - 20 meg - is immediately taken from the cartel's treasury. Then you have to start collecting the materials needed (see table below), transferring them to the partially-built dock's warehouse facility. The build takes 5 days to complete, and each day at reset one-fifth of the commodities will be taken from the dock warehouse and put towards the build. If not all the commodities are there, no building will happen that day. You can put more commods in than will be needed - although you won't be able to get them out again, they won't go to waste because they will be used later to build the Blish cities.

The commands to start the graving dock build and transfer commodities into the dock warehouse will be in next week's Star. Meanwhile, here's the commodities needed, in tons:

Graving Dock: 20 meg 5 days
Alloys - 9,450
Clays - 6,000
Nickel - 3,000
Xmaetals - 4,050
Mechparts 1,950
Polymers - 4,125
Droids - 1,125
Lasers - 2,025
Nanos - 675
Synths - 3,000
Tools - 4,875

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