The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 4, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


by The Easterbunny

This weekend, I've been hopping around Fed DataSpace handing out my delicious easter eggs. But the players have had to earn them, by giving me their suggestions for movies with rabbits in them. Here's the ones they could think of.

10. Snow White. Ah yes, it's full of adorable woodland creatures, including little bunnies. Sweet.
9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This film stars my ultra-violent cousin in his cameo role as the vicious killer rabbit. He's like that in real life, you know.
8. Bambi. Thumper was played by the child of one of my colleagues, and she never lets me forget it. Show biz moms, huh!
7. Alice in Wonderland. Another of my cousins played the White Rabbit. In real life, he's not at all scatter-brained or tardy.
6. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Now that was one silly rabbit. I don't know the actor who played Roger, and I don't think I want to.
5. The Curse of the Wererabbit. I do like Wallace and Grommet films, and this one was particularly good. The actor who played the wererabbit had to put on a huge amount of weight for the part. What a method actor he is.
4. Watership Down. Now that's what I call a rabbity film. Shame about the sad ending - I got my whiskers all soggy with tears.
3. Donnie Darko. A strange little indy movie that has a hallucinatory rabbit in it.
2. Harvey. Another one with an imaginary rabbit, although in this case it's not visible to the audience.
And the number one movie containing rabbits is...
1. The Hugh Hefner Story. Well. That's not quite the kind of rabbit I had in mind. Trust Bourbon to come up with this one!

Thanks to Bourbon, Gizmo, Honkintoda, Lippin, Munabilo, Meteu, Shin, Sjw and Trav for their suggestions. I hope you all enjoyed the lovely chocolate Easter eggs.

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