The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 21, 2010

Official News page 1


by Hazed

It cannot have escaped your notice that there's not much real news to report at the moment. My newsdroids are skilled at spinning stories up out of the merest wisp of speculation, but even their abilities have their limits. There's only a certain number of silk purses that can be fashioned from a sow's ear.

The reason things are quiet at the moment is because Alan's real life job continues to take up all of his time, as they race towards a launch date. This means he hasn't been able to do much programming. He hasn't abandoned us completely; he's working on a new feature that will enhance cartels but it is something that's quite complicated so will take several more weeks before it's even ready to test.

So for the time being, I am left trying to produce the news when there's nothing much to tell you.

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