The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 24, 2010

Official News page 2


by Hazed

The last year has seen a lot of new code going into Fed, as well as the release of new tools for planet owners to write events. Scan through the year's news bulletins are you'll see a steady stream of new stuff. This has been possible because Alan has been out of work for most of the year.

But now, finally, he's got a new job. This is a good thing for him, because being unemployed is miserable, but it does mean that the flow of new goodies going into the game is going to slow down quite a lot.

Adding to this is the fact that I, too, have a new real-life job. Well, it's the same job I have been doing for several years, but whereas before I was a temp, I was made a permanent employee at the start of this year, and have been given more responsibility. So this cuts down on my Fed-availability, too.

I will still be dealing with emails every day, but Alan won't necessarily be able to respond to technical mail as fast as before, nor will he always be able to put new planets into the game the day after receiving the files.

I'll keep on publishing the Fed2 Star but I will have to take weeks off from time to time - but with any luck, not too often!

Meanwhile, you can see a list of the work that is planned for Fed2 here.

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