The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 10, 2010

Official News page 5


by Hazed

Yes, it's true - ship fighting is coming back! This means that one of the flags you can put on locations on your space map suddenly becomes important - the Peace flag. This designates the location as a fighting-free area.

Ship fighting will be implemented... well... soon-ish, whatever that means in Fed. (Two weeks, or by Christmas?) So you've got a while to think about making any changes to your peace flags. It's entirely up to you whether you allow fighting in your star system or not - subject to a few rules:

  • Link and orbit locations will automatically be peace locations - you can't change this
  • If the route between the Link and orbit of a planet is not a safe route (ie it includes non-peaceful locations) then a warning must be posted at the link so players are prepared to defend themselves
If you do make any changes, send your space map to (don't forget to put Fed2 in the subject line) and please include in the email the name of your star system, and your character name.

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