The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 10, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

It's traditional to come up with new year resolutions which you can break by the end of January. I asked the players what their resolutions for Fed2 were, expecting quite general promises that everyone could get behind - but instead, I got some very personal resolutions.

10. Zand resolves to refrain from using "teh".
9. Nomad says his new years resolution is to never break nothing.
8. Pugwash resolves never to set foot inside her exchange. (No change there, then!)
7. Cragon resolves to stay out of Sol to avoid the import taxes.
6. Zand resolves to never promote - he intends to remain the oldest Founder in the Galaxy.
5. Hazed resolves not to scream when Arlene suddenly logs into CDs.
4. Cragon resolves to stop sending chocolates to Hazed in order to improve her complexion. In return, Hazed resolves to scowl at people who stop sending her chocolates.
3. Squeeky resolves to eat more cheese, and to pester Catspaws even more.
2. Nomad promises not to dangle the mouse with a string over Catspaws.
And the number one Fed2 new year resolution is...
1. Nomad suggests we all resolve to omit Arlene from any more Fed top tens... (naaaaaah, where's the fun in that?)

Thanks to everyone who suggested their resolutions.

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