The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 25, 2009

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

Last week the players came up with reasons why joining the Temple of Gaelaan is a good thing. But to be fair and balanced, we need to look at the other side of the coin too - so here are the players' suggestions for the top ten reasons NOT to join!

10. Nobody can remember how to spell the name Galen... Gelaaan... Galeen... whatever!
9. All that kneeling is very bad for the knees.
8. Who wants to be seen wearing the dorky uniform?
7. It'd stop you worshipping the demi-goddess.
6. The dietary rules are very strict... no chocolate? The horror!
5. For a secret society, they seem very inept since everyone seems to know about them.
4. Their documentation on the actual practices of their religion are not very enlightening.
3. Mars is so yesteryear.
2. They lied when they said 'Bald is beautiful'.
And the number one reason not to join the Temple of Gaelaan is...
1. Arlene has already joined!

I was going to include the fact that IT'S RUBBISH, but that's never stopped religions from attracting members before.

Thanks to Gwaptiva, Royalsims and Squeeky for their suggestions.

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