The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 28, 2009

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

There's not much going on in Fed DataSpace right now - the summer slump has started. Those of us who are online started wondering just why the game slows down during the summer months, and came up with these reasons:

10. They haven't mass produced keyboards/laptops/computers to be compatible with swimming pools.
9. The sweat makes the keyboard so slippery that fingers just slip right off - causing dropped TBs.
8. Heat exhaustion causes people to forget their login details.
7. Everyone's extra money for slithies gets spent on ice cream instead (and we all know the game is more fun with slithies in your wallet)
6. Spouses force players to go to picnics and barbeques instead.
5. Beer + Heat = nap time, not Fed time.
4. Everyone is too hot to move their fingers on the keyboard.
3. The kids won't settle for a vacation to Occyland, but want to go to Disneyland instead.
2. Everyone is busy trying to get into shape for their Bikini/speedo/thingkini.

And the number one reason why Fed is so quiet over the summer is...

1. The thought of Arlene in a summer bikini makes us nauseated.

Thanks to Dingbat, Kalandra, Lynnea and Zardoz for their suggestions.

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