The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 1, 2009

Official News page 5


by Bella

I'm afraid that we seem to have run into some compatibility problems with the Windows version of Tesla, our workbench file checker. A couple of people have reported being unable to run it - it terminates with one of Microsoft's error messages - completely useless, and of no help whatsoever in figuring out what's wrong.

The problem seems to be mainly with older machines running early versions of XP. Unfortunately, over the last few years Microsoft's Visual Studio development kit has made it more and more complex to produce software installations, as well as abandoning backwards compatibility.

Searching the internet indicates that I'm not the only person to have run into this problem, and that there is no easy solution. This is, as they say, a bummer, but there is little I can do about it at the moment, since I don't have the resources to start a major installation project.

So if this affects you, please let us know, so we can determine how many people are affected, and so that we can run Tesla for you on our machines, and let you know the results.

I'm sorry about this. Once upon a time it was possible for anyone to just write programs for other people to enjoy, but Microsoft seems to be making it more and more difficult with every new version of Windows and Visual Studio :(

If there are any professional programmers out there who feel they can do better, please feel free to drop me a line asking for the code. It's a Visual Studio 2005 solution, with Qt professional 4.3.4, Windows version.

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