The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 7, 2008

Fed Funnies page 2


Stardate: 122011:0452 - Gandolf: NewsFlash! Intelligence of mankind decreasing. Details at ... uh, when the little hand is on the .... wait.. don't forget to vote for Fed2 today!
Stardate: 122012:2595 - Lynnea: I don't agree that the intelligence of mnaknid si dcaersnig.

Stardate: 122029:1732 - Meteu: I'm giving away one end of summer cold for free if anyone is interested.
Stardate: 122032:9816 - Jordis: I would prefer an end of the winter hot

Stardate: 122038:7197 - Occy: Play by the rules, but be ferocious."--Phil Knight,
Stardate: 122038:7878 - Jordis: Play by the rules? That doesn't sound any fun!
Stardate: 122039:7909 - Squeeky: there are rules?
Stardate: 122042:9109 - Zand: Rulez are mad to be brokenz, Ya?

Stardate: 122053:9707 - Lynnea: If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.

Stardate: 122054:0303 - Squeeky: My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. Squeeky

Stardate: 122062:6546 - Squeeky: If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.

Stardate: 122063:5659 - Lynnea: I saw this wino eating some grapes and I said "Dude.. you need to wait!"

Stardate: 122067:8320 - Zarquad: Is using tho coms to talk to someone in the same location commensurate with using instant messenger to talk to a person in the room in RL?


Dimwit has started playing Federation II.
Dimwit has been trying to cheat!


Mood! Droids do not have emotions, just tempory malfunctions. Blinx has just arrived. Blinx is carrying a keyring.


Your comm unit crackles with a message from Jezz, "It's 5 after Reset GMT (Galactic Mean Time) Do you know where your alts are?"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Mentallyhayzed, "what ponderment is how many out there have married their alts ? = P"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Lynnea, "I'm pretty sure that at least Zardoz has married an alt, although he denies it vehemently."
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Jezz, "Hey wait a minute!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Mentallyhayzed, "ooooooohhh....let the gossip begin by the"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Jezz, "Do you have proof? I mean I've been starting to wonder myself seeing as he keeps telling me off for completing his thoughts. I wish I knew for sure whether I was his alt or not."
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Lynnea, "I think we are all beginning to have our doubts."
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Mentallyhayzed, "Who really is who, and who are you really married to whom ?"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Lynnea, "I went to bed last night thinking, "Am I Zard?""
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Jezz, "scarey isn't it?"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Lynnea, "It's not one I wanted to ponder for long. Yes it is scarey."

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Hazed, "Good grief, I tried to fly from Mars to Phobos - one square - and customs pulled me over and dumped me at the other end of the universe"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Queenmommy, "lol teach u to leave cd's :)"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Hazed, "I know, I should have sent a droid to do my testing."
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Quizlo, "obviously since YOU never leave mars, they must of felt that your ship was stolen"

If you have nominations for the Quote, Mood, Post, Clothes, Act, or anything else of the Week, send them to

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