The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 31, 2008

Event Reports page 1


Saturday August 23
by Squeeky

Five people joined us on Saturday night to play an exciting game of Fed Word Scramble. They all scratched their heads (or equivalent) to unscramble the list of words I gave them - it has been printed below, so you can see what you make of them.

When the game was over, I totted up the scores, to find that Tyvek was in third place with 3 points; Angelfowl and Joe tied for second place with 5 points each; and coming in first, winning a slithy, was Trilleth with 6 points. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who played. Join us next time for Fed Word Scramble, played every two weeks opposite Wacky Words on Saturday nights at 10.00pm eastern.

This week's scrambled words:
1. ihtlrelT
2. esppHnotya
3. echanln
4. omcitnsenopBo
5. babuB
6. redFtem
7. grieennE
8. zZroad
9. auecsnnIr
10. ecaslSlMcpori
11. bienWsoh
12. unFsoi Prowe
13. ehzC lesieD
14. ctoriV
15. Edntedxe cnvluSeerlia
16. lcgrtaiuluAr
17. ilogoaiclB
18. riconThMsexcu
19. ercyTa
20. tbiopcreFi lnigCba

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