The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 29, 2008

Fed Funnies page 1


by Kalandra

I was chatting on the comms and I accidentally let slip the "D" word (I had erased some photos from my camera phone by mistake, before they had been successfully sent. I will have to send some of the other dozen pics of my young son to his grandparents instead). Djentsch gently reminded me to watch my language, which made me wonder what other words (besides the obvious) should be put on the naughty word list for the comms...

Thus this week's Top Ten!

1. Taxes - everyone hates paying them.
2. Work - it might pay for your slithies but takes away from your Fed Time... definitely overrated.
3. Alt - it's degrading to most of the population.
4. Crash - too many days lost and cycles messed up.
5. Spreadsheets - thank you Catspaws for the inspiration.
6. Customs officer - they may top off your tank but they leave you at the sun and don't pay your insurance deductable.
7. Stock Planet - just a little imagination... please?
8. RL - interferes with socializing in Fed.
9. Grey nondescript coveralls - just change clothes, it only costs 10ig, if you don't have it come see me, I'll lend it to you.
10. Arlene - 'nuff said.

Thanks to Squeeky, Djentsch, Catspaws, Jezz, Jewells, Caesar, Lyn for their contributions.

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