The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 1, 2008

Official News page 9


by Hazed

I couldn't let this issue of the Fed2 Star pass without mentioning the problem of the broken toilet on the International Space Station. It lends itself to so many childish jokes, the one in my headline being the least offensive.

The problem is in the part of the complex toilet mechanism which deals with liquid waste. While it's out of action, the astronauts are having to use the equivalent of an outside privvy: they are forced to use the toilet in the Soyuz capsule which is docked with the station. Fortunately, a space shuttle is due to fly to the ISS shortly, so the supplies it was supposed to bring have been hastily shuffled around to leave room for the equipment needed to mend the busted flush.

I don't know which of the astronauts will be given the job of acting as a space plumber. Presumably he will do that sucking in of the breath that all workmen do, shake his head, ask "Who put this in, then?" and then complain that he doesn't have the right parts to fix it.

You can read a more serious story about the ISS's toilet trouble, which gives you all the technical details you need, without the toilet humor, here.

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