The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 30, 2008

Official News page 2


by Hazed

Planet owners can now get rid of unwanted builds by knocking them down. The command is 'DEMOLISH infrastructure' where 'infrastructure' is the build you want to get rid of. You will get back between 3 and 7 meg for the land which is released and the recycled materials, which means that after you promote and certain builds stop working, you can recoup some of your expenses.

There are certain types of infrastructure that cannot be demolished due to various campaign groups which are constantly lobbying for a ban on destruction of old facilities due to heritage reasons. They are: heliograph, telegraph, base, satellite, defence, oil and rail.

Of course, knocking down a build means it vanishes from your total count of builds, which means you will need to replace it with something else in order to make up the numbers for your next promotion.

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