The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 24, 2008

Inside Scoop page 2


by Zardoz

Recently, I mentioned one of the Dozian principles of economics in a Star article. I know that many people have thought that the House of Doz is thoroughly unprincipled. So there has been an explosion of interest in these unique principles, and I've been flooded with inquiries. Well, not exactly flooded, but maybe swamped.... Err that is to say that I received a great many... Err a few... Well, I know that people were interested, and in response, here are the principles, and a short discussion of Dozian Economic Theory.

1. There is only one primary. All alts serve the primary. This means that dividends will be paid out to benefit the primary, even if it is to the detriment of the alt. Trade routes will be set up to benefit the primary, at the expense of the alt. Or, as I like to put it... It's all about Zardoz.

2. All Business is personal. It's a social game. If you don't like somebody, avoid them. Why do business with some one you dislike?

3. Eliminate the middle man by creating your own. Why see profits from your stockpiles go to Merchants? Create your own merchants and keep the profits. Why see your valuable stockpile go to another planet? Create a new planet and keep the stockpile.

4. You can never have too many financiers. Seriously, you can't. Think of the extra financiers as Share Closets. About to hit the upper limit on share ownership? Get another fin, and then you can own twice the amount of shares.

5. The House stands united, and moves together. One of the most difficult aspects of playing as a consortium is to coordinate the movement of all the characters. But true leverage will not be achieved without coordination. Promotions should be coordinated so there will be adequate support available from family members.

6. In formulating plans, objectives are written in ink, methods in pencil. I recently looked over my plans which I drew up roughly a year ago. In that year, we had two crashes, a variety of rule changes, and host of other challenges. The plans I wrote had to be abandoned long ago, but the objectives never were. You have to maintain your objectives, but you must be prepared to alter your plans to adapt to an ever changing game environment.

7. You can only rely on yourself, so create enough of you to support your goals. Tired of Manufacturers selling off factories without notice? Create your own manufacturer.

8. Audacity is a virtue. Be bold in what you do with a large consortium. Large families require large ideas.

8. The larger your house, the slower your reaction time. React to the future not the present. It takes time to create an alt and bring it to Merchant (the House of Doz does all of its hauling and AK jobs by hand). Think that you will need a fin alt in a couple of months? You better start creating it now.

10. Every alt should have a purpose. Even if it is just to speed up the exchange. Create an alt, and then use it.

In the interest of fairness, I asked other players if they had their own principles. The following is the Trillithian Principle of Economics:

1. Work Ethic is an oxymoron.

Then there is the Zandzabarian Principle of Economics as communicated to me by Zand:

1. I am not anyone's alt.

So there they are. Now you know that the House of Doz is not unprincipled. It's just that we make our principles up as we go along. Happy alting.:)

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