The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 16, 2007

Inside Scoop - page 2


or, The Ongoing Adventures of the Mischievous Catspaws
by Catspaws

Back in the days of Classic Fed, part of my job as Duchess (and a large part of my enjoyment) was figuring out ways to defeat the auto-haulers. Don't get me wrong - I personally have nothing against a short script that does one thing, then stops and waits for more commands from the person - or thing -behind the keyboard. That's why FedTerm gives us F-Keys after all, right? What always annoyed me was the scripts that would run for hours hauling, hauling, hauling. You knew they were auto-haulers when you tried to talk to them, and they didn't respond. Of course, they would say they didn't see your message, or they stepped away a moment. So I had all kinds of tricks to stop the auto-hauler in its tracks. Of course, it soon became a game of cat and mouse, with the scripter trying to find ways to get around my tricks. I loved it!

I really thought those days were gone forever, until the other night. A hauler who shall forever remain nameless - lets call him Scavenger - was dropping goods in my exchange so fast I was in awe. I left him alone, though, because I have a hungry planet, and he was dropping things that the kitties on Catseye were gasping to receive. But I had reason to need to speak to Scavenger on another matter. And this is how my great adventure began.....

tb Scavenger Come back, I need to talk to you.

A long wait ensued, with Scavenger flying past me into my exchange several times.

com Scavenger, stop hauling and tb me already!

Another long wait, more goodies delivered to my exchange.

After a half hour or so of this, I decided the only way to get his attention was to call the Nightwatch authorities and have him sent to the Earth dormitories, and thusly (I hoped) get him to stop talking long enough to talk to me. When I arrived on Earth, there was Scavenger, bouncing off the walls in the dormitory, and occasionally wandering out into the street. This went on for fifteen minutes or so before his macro took him to the mansion, where, much to my glee, he starting running into walls. It was just like Classic again! I was rolling in the floors, laughing so hard tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't realize how much I missed the challenge of stopping a macro!

Eventually he must have returned, because he stopped walking into walls and returned to his planet. Again I tried to talk to him and, guess what? You guessed it, he was auto-hauling again! After an hour or so he must have run out of things to haul, because he sat idle.

tb Scavenger Are you there?

More silence. Now I was starting to get mildly miffed. I could have set a dozen mousetraps around Cheese space while waiting on this guy!

tb Scavenger Are you there yet?

An hour later....

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Scavenger, "hiya Harry, Curly, Moe and Squeeky."
tb Scavenger You're there?!?!?!
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "hehe sorry, football season is like that :)"

(Have I mentioned lately that I HATE football season?) Anyway, I delivered the message that was the reason this whole series of events began, and from there we began to discuss the macro.

tb Scavenger I was wondering how I managed to get you lost in the mansion :)
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "not exactly sure how that happened, I somehow got turned around, my earth Alias takes me direct to the exchange."
tb Scavenger hehe, you can blame me for that :)
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "oh you tried to port me to earth didnt you"
tb Scavenger Succeeded... ::licks her paw smugly::
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "lol, yes and with this script I was all over the place, I use the script to do the actuall hauling, everything else I do manuallly I have typed enough lol"
tb Scavenger I spynet reported you all over Earth, and almost fell out of my chair laughing :)
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "nuuuu, I really need to figure out how to turn that thing off. I try not to use macros, but hauling in or out is a very tedious time consuming thing to do."
tb Scavenger Teehee! I have other ways to make you run in circles too. Haven't had that much fun since the days of the autohaulers in Classic. And I didn't even need a spybeam to enjoy the fun :)
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Scavenger, "I usually am watching the macro, I stepped away to use the restroom and found myself wandering around earth. as stated once started I cant stop it. lol"

(Wait, I thought he said he was watching football?)

tb Scavenger I had a blast :) Maybe I'll catch you in the bathroom again sometime :)

I'm sure I will. Now that I've had a taste of blood, you can be sure the mischievous kitty will strike again at the next unsuspecting autohauler she catches.

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