The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 19, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

So just what did my faithful staff of reporters do while they were out of the office on their vacation? They aren't telling, but here's some of the things players thought they might have got up to.

1. Spent three whole weeks skiing on Titan, until their extremities froze and dropped off.
2. Tried to visit every bar in the Galaxy.
3. Picked one of the many water worlds where they lay on the beach for so long they suffered water damage, salt corrosion, sand in very uncomfortable places, and had their circuits fried by the hot sun.
4. Wrote a better brochure for the resort they stayed at.
5. Went hiking in Earth's wilderness where they fell down a pit, drowned in a swamp, were boiled in a geyser and eaten by wolves. Hooray for insurance!
6. Visited Occyland, and narrowly avoided being contaminated by the language spoken by the locals (which would have left them unable to write articles for the Star).
7. Spent some time on Rigel 4 trying to figure out just how Pugwash manages to make such a mess of running her planet.
8. Attempted to hack the ATM. With no luck, otherwise they wouldn't have returned to work!
9. Went into withdrawal symptoms (including, fever, rash, sweats, and convulsions in their writing hands) after not hearing any gossip during their entire trip.
10. Threw darts at a picture of Hazed.

Well, I certainly don't believe that last one! Thanks to Insomnius, Nolepaul, Djentsch and Butters for their suggestions.

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