The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 19, 2007

Event Reports - page 4

WACKY WORDS - Sunday Edition

Sunday August 5
by Catspaws

Seven dynamite players gathered today to compete to see which was the wackiest player in Fed (I had my groats on Butters, he's pretty wacky). We started off the game with an easy word, TREE. Jinto garnered three votes with his tribute to Icey, "true rogues exile everyone".

Fancy only needed the second word, DROP, to guess the theme of WORDS INVOLVING GUM. Pine, Stiddleficks and Butters each earned two points with this word. Pine and Butters each earned two points with their entries for BALL, and it began to look like I was correct about Butters being pretty wacky, although Pine seemed rather wacky as well.

With SHOE we learned lots of strange tidbits, such as "Supermayman has odd electros.", "Stiddleficks Hopped On Everyone", and "Squeeky has oval ears". (Gee, I never looked at Squeeky's ears before!)

BUBBLE brought out some odd answers, such as "Bourbon usually buys booze, like, everyday." and "Butters' ugly butt bulges, extremely smelly". For the final word, CHEWING, I seemed to be a popular topic with things like "Catspaws has everyone wanting ingenious new games.", "Catspaws Has Everyone Waiting in New Gough", "Catspaws hates even winning incoming new gnomes" and "Catspaws hairball eventually wandered into Nkir's Gum". (I bet Nkir's gum never tasted so good!)

When the scores were tallied, Butters came in first, with Fancy and Lagkiller tying for second. Join me again on Sunday, August 19, for another exciting game of Wacky Words.

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