The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 29, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

Where are the places nobody likes to deliver AK jobs to? From what places do explores have to be rescued most often? We discussed on the comms just where are the places to get Lost In Fed:

1. The Martian ruins - not only confusing but also dangerous; take a wrong step and you could end up dead in a variety of nasty ways.
2. The Lattice - those disks are so confusing! Step on the wrong color and who knows where you will end up.
3. Space - when customs dump you in an obscure corner of Sol Space, deep in the interplanetary wastes, it's a real chore to find out where you are.
4. Earth - when you're a Groundhog, it's all confusing, and you can get lost on the way to the GA HQ.
5. Arena - if your ship blunders into Arena Space when you aren't watching where you are going, you can get very lost.
6. Moon Workshop - this vast empty room is so confusing, if you're looking for something specific in here you can get really confused.
7. Behind the Sun - if you get lost while looking for the legendary ATM then you're in for a really hot experience.
8. Bandan - it's fixed now, but for a while landing on the planet left you in limbo.
9. The Sumatran Mines - no-one likes to deliver AK jobs here because the planet is one of the more difficult ones to explore.
10. Just being in a lost state of mind!

Thanks to Squeeky, Racingnut, Nomad and Bourbon for their suggestions.

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