The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 24, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

Following the fallout of Thursday's problems, which saw Hazed temporarily demoted to GroundHog, we bring you two top fives.

Top Ten Reasons Why Hazed Should Have Stayed A Groundhog

1. It provided endless amusement for all to see the demi-goddess as a Groundhog.
2. Without a ship nobody would expert her to move anywhere, ever again.
3. She's a demi-goddess, she don't need no steenking ship.
4. Diesel refused to let her back in the bar.
5. Hauling is hazardous to your nails.

Top Ten Reasons Hazed Did Not Stay a GroundHog

1. She missed CDs and that delicious moose pizza.
2. If the demi-goddess can't promote, what hope do the rest of us have?
3. It would be hard to make others believe in her powers.
4. She couldn't stand the thought of the rest of the staff outranking her.
5. The whole thing was just too, too humiliating!

Thanks to Djentsch and Wayne for their suggestions.


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