The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 17, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

On the comms recently somebody used the abbreviation "TMI" which means "Too Much Information". But not everybody knew that's what it stood for, so they started coming up with ideas about what it means. Here's the best of those suggestions.

1. Tame More Idiots.
2. Tickle My Insides.
3. Testing My Intelligence.
4. Take My Intestines.
5. Too Much Ignorance.
6. Total Mutual Indignation.
7. The Martians Invaded!
8. Thanks Mister Insidious.
9. Take My In-laws.
10. Think More Indecently.
11. Tod's Monster Iguana.
12. Tanked Moms Ignite.
13. Tax My Income.
14. There's More Inside.
15. The Media Idiots (surely he didn't mean me?)

Ok, there's 15 not 10 but as somebody said, "Too Many Ideas!". Thanks to Djentsch, Garioso, Royalsims, Rain, Klytos and Bourbon for their suggestions.

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