The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 18, 2007


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

The dangers of unemployment
Why the Galaxy's exchanges speed up and slow down
New FedTerm pictures
Federation 2: the comic
Watch out below!
Real life news: set phasers to "puke"
Real life news: how to build a very cheap satellite dish
Real life news: see, I told you going to work was bad for you
Geek toy: the annoy-a-tron
On the web: Martian movies
On the web: a woman drawn from inside out
Winding down

Event Reports

Wacky Words (Sunday edition)
Fed Phrase Game (early edition)

Fed Funnies

Top ten ways to annoy the demi-goddess
...Of the Week

Previous issues

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