The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 4, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

We all know "sun bad", so just why do so many people fly into it? Here's your top ten reasons why.

1. They aren't paying attention.
2. They are trying to find the ATM which is hidden behind the sun.
3. They get thrown there by customs.
4. They are unable to Stay Away from the Light.
5. One of their parents was a moth leaving them with an irresistible urge to fly into the flame.
6. Someone told them to.
7. Someone told them there were free slithies on the sun.
8. They wanted to warm up because space is cold.
9. They forgot where they were when they left Pearl.
10. Their invitation to Madonnaboi and Treize's wedding, held on the surface of the sun back in the days before death stalked the Galaxy, was very, very delayed in the post.

Additional comments:

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Djentsch, "here's one that fits Icey, Trying to melt his cold heart"

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Cloudbase, "that reminds me of the blond who claimed she would be the first to land on the sun, her plan was to go at night so she didnt burn up!!!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Djentsch, "heard anything back from her yet? :)"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Cloudbase, "actually no, do you think it was something i might have said?"

Thanks to Djentsch, Cloudbase, Supermayman and Nut.

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