The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 21, 2007

Official News - page 4


by Hazed

If you sending an email to, or to anybody at ibgames, then PLEASE remember to put the word "Fed2" somewhere in your subject line. If you don't, your email risks getting tangled up in the torrent of spam that gushes into our mailboxes every day.

I'm the one who deals with feedback mail in the first instance. Right now I am getting something like 400-500 emails every day, which includes those sent directly to me and those sent to the feedback address. Of those, about 10-20 are genuine emails - the rest is spam.

I've got spam filters set up in my mail program which identifies about half of the spam and diverts it into a spam folder. But that still leaves about 200 spam emails that end up in my inbox, which I have to look at and decide if they are spam or not. If you put "Fed2" in your subject line then your mail will get filtered into a different folder, the place where guaranteed real emails go. Otherwise, it gets dumped in with the 200 possible spam mails, and I have to try to spot it in amongst the pump-n-dump share mails, the cheap mortgage deals, the people trying to sell me software and pharmaceuticals, and all the other spam that plagues the internet. I do my best, but sometimes my eyes glaze over and I accidentally delete something I shouldn't.

So, to avoid your mail getting mistaken for spam and deleted, include "Fed2" in the subject line. Please!

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