The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 14, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by KBlackDragon

1. Typing classes cost money, and this is just as good.
2. Horse! Cow! Horse! Cow! Is considered a conversation starter.
3. Zombies making pizza...need I say more?
4. Nothing better to do at work.
5. Because we all love taking the shuttle to Hobbs End!
6. Whales, and Dragons, and Vampires! Oh My! Oh, and demi-goddesses, snakes, bunnies, cats, mice, and those pesky snacks...I mean humans.
7. One word...Futures.
8. Ferocious zlitherworms, talkative weebles, cuddly grizzles, and singing asparagus. What a fantastic ecosystem.
9. Bungee jumping, skiing, flying into the sun. So many recreational activities, Fed II is so FUN!
10. Because Hazed has an insidious mind-control device that keeps us in her thrall...that and it's fun!

Support Fed II, spay or neuter your slithies! (So you have to buy more...muah ha ha ha ha!!!)

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