The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 8, 2006

Event Reports - page 3


Tuesday October 3
by Fancy-Fancy

Four players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's game. Emie, Genike, Rixmatiz, and Liakell all came to the studio, with Dunavant and Desaxman watching on the channel. I went over the rules for our new players Emie and Rixmatiz, and when all questions about how to play had been answered, it was time to determine what order they would take turns. Rixmatiz gained the first spot, followed by Emie, Genike, and Liakell. We were then all set to play.

Rixmatiz got to start the first puzzle, which was a 4 word thing (1, 6, 11, and 4 letters). Rixmatiz started off well, uncovering the R, S's, A's, B, L's, E's, and F before he tried to solve, but did so incorrectly with "a silver, featureless ball". The puzzle passed to Emie, who placed the two T's, but then missed with a Y. Genike spun 700, but couldn't find any N's. Liakell got the puzzle with a big smile on her face, and decided to solve without spinning, and did for a house minimum 250 points with "a smooth, featureless ball".

Our second puzzle was also a 4 word thing (2, 12, 11, and 6 letters), and Rixmatiz again got to start it. Rix found the R, two L's, bought the E's, and found a couple of S's, building up 2500 points before a Bankrupt zapped the phyrexian's points. Emie found a couple of N's for 100 points each, but a Lose a Turn ended her turn on the next spin. Genike got the puzzle and uncovered 3 T's, then bought the I's, before calling an M missing from the puzzle. Liakell's turn came up, but it became clear she wasn't present, so we moved on to Rixmatiz, who found a B for 150 points, but no P's on the next spin. Emie got the puzzle again, but couldn't find any D's in the puzzle. Ike got the puzzle again, and this time went the rest of the way with it, calling F, O, U, G, H, and Y, leaving only vowels, then solved - An outrageously fashionable outfit - for 2850 points.

The category for tonight's third puzzle was 4 word people (4, 4, 4, and 8 letters). Liakell was scheduled to start this one, as the one following Ike, but she hadn't returned, so Rixmatiz started the puzzle instead. It found three R's, only to hit a Bankrupt on the next spin, turning it over to Emie. She spun 450, but couldn't find any L's. Ike got the puzzle, and added several letters - S, E, U, T, I, O, and M, before missing with an N. Rixmatiz got another shot at the puzzle, but there were no F's for it. Emie got the puzzle back, and this time finished it off, filling in the V, Y, and C, leaving only one blank before deciding to solve - some very rich tourists - for 700 points.

The players agreed to one more puzzle tonight, and our fourth and final puzzle was a 6 word phrase (1, 4, 8, 4, 3, and 4 letters), which Genike got to start. He found 4 T's for 750 each, then after buying the E's and placing an H for 300, hit 750 again and found 4 R's for another 3000 points. Ike bought an I, but there weren't any in the puzzle, turning it over to Rixmatiz. Rix called an N, but there weren't any. Emie spun a Lose a Turn, giving the puzzle back to Ike, with 5800 points. Ike bought the A's, of which there were three, then spun, but landed on Bankrupt. Rixmatiz got the puzzle back, and added a D, F, M, O, Y, S, and C, before attempting to solve with "A Tray entrudes from the Cart". That was incorrect, though, and Emie got the puzzle. She spun 400 and called X, which filled in the second letter of the third word, then solved correctly with "a tray extrudes from the cart" to win Round 4 for 400 points.

That brought us to the conclusion of tonight's game. The final scores had Liakell in third with 250 points, Emie second with 1100 points, and Genike tonight's big winner with 2850 points. Congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all for playing, and those who tuned in to watch. I hope you'll join me again on October 17 for the next edition of the Fed Phrase Game. And on October 10, join me in Studio 1 for FEDPARDY! beginning at 10.00pm eastern.

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