The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 16, 2006

Official News - page 7


Here's another of those great stories which mixes real-life drama with technology. A 76-year-old yachtsman from Poland got into trouble off the Scottish coast, but was rescued thanks to a text message.

The rescue was kicked off by a French couple who were out hiking on a headland not far from Lock Eriboll when they spotted an eight metre yacht that seemed to be in trouble. They sent a text message to a friend, who in turn contacted the Aberdeen coastguard.

The coastguard then sent out a general call for assistance, asking for any vessels in the area to check the situation out, and dispatched two rescue teams on foot to try to pin down exactly where the trouble-stricken yacht was.

A fisheries patrol ship, Jura, arrived at the yacht to find a man waving for help, but was apparently unable to communicate by radio. So when it saw the man send up a red flare, it sent over a rescue boat to help, but the yachtsman didn't speak much English. Fortunately, Aberdeen coastguard employs a Polish national, who was able to speak to the yachtsman once the coastguard gave him a radio handset, so the rescuers could find out what had happened.

According to the watch manager of Aberdeen Coastguard, George Downie, the yacht's engine had siezed and the boat was filling with water. There were no towing facilities on the board, but despite the worsening situation the yachtsman refused to abandon ship. Rescuers eventually rigged up a towing system, and got the man and his yacht safely to shore.

Downie added: "The 76-year-old yachtsman is very experienced and has sailed all round the world." Clearly his experience wasn't enough to keep him out of trouble! But hurrah for mobile phone technology, which saved the day - and for immigration which ensured the coastguard contained someone who could speak Polish!

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