Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 15, 2006

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by Jessecka

Dear Jessy

A few weeks ago I got really angry and upset over something that happened to me. Crazy as it sounds, it was a very emotional time for me, and I said some things, and even acted in a way that I now regret. I will be working to correct these mistakes for a long time. Do you have any advice for me or for others to help keep this stuff from happening?

Regretful on Rhea

Dear Regretful,

It is amazing to me how caught up in this game that each of us can get. We spend many hours working, chatting and playing within Fed DataSpace... we make friends, we lose friends, and we feel real emotions. This is good, I think, because it is the feelings we get that keep us coming back for more, along with the relationships we create. But there does come a time when we need to step back and remind ourselves that it is just a game. Sometimes our emotions can take hold, and we do things that later we will probably regret. Even to the point that some players have DDed their characters, only to return to the game later on when their emotions have calmed down and they have realized what they have done.

Even for those who don't go to the point of death-death over a problem, there still comes that time when you say or do something to a fellow player you will later regret, only because you have let your emotions run away with you. Or that rude comment you made when you were frustrated, that went out to everyone over the comms. My suggestion to you would be to walk away from the game when you get too emotional. Log out, and take a break. Come back when you are more calm and can think more clearly.

If you would like to send a question or comment to Dear Jessy, write to Jessecka123@yahoo.com, or you can contact me in the game.

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