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EARTHDATE: January 8, 2006

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Tuesday December 20
by Fancy-Fancy

Seven players joined me in Studio 1 for our final edition of Fedpardy in 2005. Sycorax, Jessecka, Nolepaul, Ronin, Phedre, Robius, and Catspaws all showed up, ready to play. I went over the rules for Nolepaul, and anyone else who needed a refresher on how to play. After that, it was time to announce the categories, which were: Industrialist Scrooge, Smooth as Silk, "No L, No L", and Baby it's Cold Outside. Nolepaul won the right to select first, and selected Industrialist Scrooge for 1 to start tonight's game.

Jessecka rang in to get that for the first point of the game. Robius proceeded to pick up 2 on Ronin's miss, Catspaws 3 on Sycorax's miss, and Phedre 4 on another Sycorax miss in the category. Switching to Baby it's Cold Outside, Phedre scored the 1, the 2 got passed, and Catspaws picked up on a Phedre miss on the 3. Catspaws then switched to Smooth as Silk, where Nolepaul collected a Phedre miss on the 1 point answer, and Sycorax picked up 2 that Nolepaul missed. Sycorax selected No L for 1 to finish up the Fedpardy round, and Jessecka collected that one. The scores after the Fedpardy round were then:

Catspaws 6, Robius 2, Jessecka 2, Phedre 1, Nolepaul -1, Sycorax -5, and Ronin -6.

As the one trailing, Ronin got to make the first selection of Double Fedpardy. He selected Industrialist Scrooge for 10, rang in first, and got it to get out of the hole. Ronin then selected "No L, No L" for 4, and after Ronin and Catspaws responded with questions that didn't fit the category, Phedre picked up 4 points with the right one. Phedre then went for the 10 point answer. Jessecka missed it, but Robius got it for 10 points. Robius then selected "No L" for 8, and found the first Daily Double of the game. He elected to make it worth 6 points, and this was his answer:

All the solar system moons fitting the category.

He only came up with "What is Titan?", however. There were also Rhea, Sumatra, and Phobos in the correct response, so he missed it. Phedre finished up the category by scoring the 6 point answer. She then selected Baby it's Cold Outside for 8, which everyone passed on, then Smooth as Silk for 6, which had the other Daily Double. Phedre decided on 3 points for her wager, and this was her answer:

Looking at this, it appears motheaten, and someone has put a pair of sunglasses on it. Its blank stare seems to follow you.

After a bit of thinking, Phedre responded, "What is a scarecrow?" The correct question, however, was "What is a moosehead?" She still had the lead there, and the selection. She selected Cold for 10, and Jessecka got out of the hole by getting that one. Phedre then got the 8 point answer from Silk, and everyone passed on the 10. That brought us to the end of Double Fedpardy, and the scores were:

Phedre: 16
Robius: 6
Catspaws: 2
Jessecka: 2
Ronin: 0
Nolepaul: -1
Sycorax: -5

Phedre, Robius, Catspaws, and Jessecka advanced to Final Fedpardy, with the chance to wager as many of those points as they wanted. To help them decide how much they each wanted to wager, I gave them the category of Christmas in Fed. Once all the wagers were in, I proceeded to give tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

This year, you can actually ride in Santa's sleigh, and see the solar system in it. The reindeer take you out as far as this planet.

Jessecka's response was "what is Phobos?", but they go out farther than that. She wagered both her points, leaving her with none.

Catspaws wrote down, "What is Rhea?", which I accepted the same as "What is Saturn?", since it is one of Saturn's moons. Cats wagered both her points, boosting her score to 4.

Robius was next, and he also responded with "what is rhea?" I again accepted that as correct. Robius wagered 2 points, upping his score to 8.

That left Phedre, whose response was, "What is Mars?", which we knew by then to be incorrect. Phedre wagered 3 points, leaving her with 13. That was still enough to win her the final Fedpardy championship of 2005.

Congratulations to Phedre, winner of our last Fedpardy of 2005! Robius finished as the runner-up, and Catspaws took third tonight. Join me in Studio 1 on alternate Tuesdays at 10.00pm eastern for FEDPARDY!

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