WARNING: If you save your password, then anyone else who has access to your computer will be able to log on to Federation with your character. It is your responsibility to make sure that no one else has access; you will be held responsible for any misbehavior from anyone using your ibgames account. We won't reinstate or compensate for any damage that other people do to your Fed character.

Your account ID and password (if you choose to have FedTerm save it) are stored in an initialization file. If anybody else uses your computer they may be able to get your account details by looking at the file. If you are not the only person who uses your computer we advise you not to allow FedTerm to save your password.

If anybody asks you to send them a copy of your FedTerm initialization file - don't! The only reason for anyone to do that is to steal your password.

Nobody from ibgames will ever ask you for your password. If anyone does ask for your password, or your ini file, please alert a member of staff immediately so they can take action, or email the details to feedback@ibgames.net.

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