Federation II - space fantasy trading game

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March 12, 2006


ex zmikeyz
7'9" Viking helmet wearing goatee nice guy. Wearing a hairy Musk Ox fur vest, very tight deer skin pants, and boots made of a Galactic Administration customs cutter. He's carrying a staff made of gold.

Jessecka exclaims, "welcome everyone to today's edition of Meet and Greet, with Zmikeyz in the hot seat!"

Gwaptiva cheers

Golden claps

Droid applauds

Aaallien smiles

Jessecka smiles, "thanks for being with us today Z :)"

Asterix can't think of another word for applaud, but tries anyway

Zmikeyz bows

Zmikeyz says, "thank you for having me lovely lady"

Jessecka smiles.

Zmikeyz has bought you a pint of Diesel's Old Peculiar strong dark ale.

Jessecka asks, "so Z, how about letting us know a little bit about your Fed history....did you play any of the other versions of Fed before Fed2?"

Zmikeyz sips his beer...

Zmikeyz exclaims, "I like most people started with AOL when it was free back in 1994. I was looking for something to do with spaceships or something like that, when up popped FED! Though it didn't have graphics, I really believe after playing it a bit, that it's a lot better. It's like which is better the book or the movie? The book because it's "your imagination!"

Golden nods

Jessecka grins.

Jessecka asks, "so did you stick with fed all through the years?"

Zmikeyz sips his beer....

Zmikeyz says, "No, when it went to pay per hour I played a bit but stopped for quite a few years."

Jessecka asks, "so how did you find Fed2?"

Zmikeyz says, "I just happened to be doing a search and up popped Fed2 and it said my favorite word"

Zmikeyz says, ""FREE!""

Fancy smiles.

Aaallien laughs

Badger growls in agreement.

Jessecka giggles.

Zmikeyz says, "So I thought I would see what it was all about"

Zmikeyz says, "It looks the same as FED"

Jessecka grins.

Zmikeyz says, "But a bit different"

Jessecka seems to remember someone voiding lots of AK jobs when she first met him.

Zmikeyz laughs

Zmikeyz says, "This is true"

Zmikeyz says, "I couldn't figure out what the heck to do with them"

Jessecka giggles.

Zmikeyz says, "I think I was minus 20 before you helped me"

Fancy asks, "Just couldn't figure out the commands to do them?"

Jessecka winks, "yea, seems like you would have stopped after the first one Z ;)"

Zmikeyz exclaims, "And that was back when we had to do 850!"

Gwaptiva groans

Jessecka winks, "well, technically, you had to do 870 ;)"

Jessecka has given Zmikeyz a passionate tickle.

Aaallien exclaims, "850!!!"

Aaallien faints

Zmikeyz giggles

Fancy thinks the original requirement was actually 750.

Jessecka winks, "just seems like 850 when you think back Fancy ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "I did more than 850 Fancy! LOL"

Zmikeyz says, "void here, void there"

Fancy drawls, "Void 20 of them, you'd have to do an additional 100 to make up for them..."

Aaallien faints again!

Jessecka says, "he probably did void 20 of them, LOL"

Zmikeyz says, "I might have"

Jessecka smiles, "I know he was voiding them left and right when I first met him :)"

Aaallien says, "I think 500 is a lot"

Golden agrees with Aaallien

Jessecka winks, "Ok, so you barely survived the early ranks ;)"

Jessecka has given Zmikeyz a hearty tickle.

Zmikeyz says, "yep"

Jessecka asks, "did you find the changes in Fed2 hard to overcome?"

Zmikeyz asks, "No not at all, just a few different commands, and the auto log map thingy really helps, but I don't know if that takes away from your imagination, do you?"

Jessecka says, "not my imagination, just keeps me from walking in circle like I used to, LOL"

Zmikeyz laughs

Zmikeyz says, "well that was the neat thing about Fed."

Zmikeyz says, "you really had to pay attention"

Gwaptiva whispers to Zadymka: "what did he say?"

Jessecka winks, "or you walk into a Rad room, eh Z? ;)"

Zmikeyz exclaims, "Only about 5 times! Even with auto mapping!"

Jessecka giggles.

Zmikeyz says, "Is it here that you fall off a cliff? or something? Been there a few times too"

Zmikeyz checks 26 deaths on his record....

Gwaptiva chuckles

Golden giggles

Jessecka laughs.

Gwaptiva whispers at Asterix "what did he say again about paying attention?"

Jessecka asks, "so you've mapped the sun, eh Z?"

Zmikeyz says, "well the cutter has pushed me there a few times"

Jessecka grins.

Zmikeyz exclaims, "I'm on an old puter so I hit s, s, s, s, etc and cutter pushes me close to sun and bam!"

Jessecka laughs.

Zmikeyz says, "there I am in a hospital"

Zmikeyz says, "they know me by name now, have a special room and everything"

Jessecka smiles.

Aaallien laughs

Gwaptiva shudders to think about the insurance premiums...

Jessecka winks, "do you find it easier to die in Fed2 then in Classic? ;)"

Jessecka has given Zmikeyz a truly scrumptious tickle.

Zmikeyz says, "Naaa, I die real good in both"

Jessecka laughs.

Golden coughs on her beer

Aaallien covers his beer...

Jessecka winks, "Z, how about telling us a bit about your RL....where you live and what you actually do for a living a such ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "ok"

Jessecka looks at Z, wondering if he is thinking or just gazing off into space.

Golden giggles

Zmikeyz exclaims, "I've lived here for the past 10 years and can't speak Spanish!"

Jessecka says, "where is here, LOL"

Zmikeyz points Jessecka up a line....

Zmikeyz says, "Costa Rica"

Jessecka giggles.

Zmikeyz says, "I live in Rohrmoser Costa Rica"

Jessecka winks, "so you have lived there for 10 years, and can't speak spanish? Bet they make fun of you ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "Yes I spelled it right, it's named after some German guy who owned this part of Costa Rica"

Zmikeyz says, "Yes they laugh, I can speak it but can't really carry on a conversation, get mixed up with the verbs"

Zmikeyz exclaims, "I can spell in Spanish better than English!"

Gwaptiva says, "*cough*typical*cough*"

Jessecka grins.

Aaallien smiles

Zmikeyz says, "vowels in Spanish never change"

Zmikeyz says, "same sound always"

Gwaptiva chuckles.

Jessecka asks, "so what do you do in Costa Rica?"

Jessecka winks, "for a living I mean....not what you generally do or whatever ;)"

Zmikeyz points Jessecka up a few lines.... I'm an English Professor.

Zmikeyz says, "I do that for a living"

Gwaptiva says, "wooooo"

Zmikeyz says, "I go to their offices and teach them there."

Jessecka smiles, "cool :)"

Zmikeyz says, "I did just buy a coffee farm, small one only about 100 acres."

Jessecka winks, "mmmm, gonna send me some good coffeee then? ;)"

Zmikeyz asks, "Sure! $50.00 a pound ok?"

Gwaptiva hopes they're hong kong dollars

Jessecka winks, "sure, you send the coffee, I'll give you the groats ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "I have a bumper sticker that says Juan Valdez drinks Costa Rican coffee."

Fancy would sell short coffee in a heartbeat for $50.00/lb U.S.

Zmikeyz says, "No, really I can get ya Costa Rican coffee at around $2.00 a pound."

Zmikeyz says, "plus shipping"

Jessecka grins.

Zmikeyz says, "but for you lovely lady free"

Jessecka smiles, "awwww :)"

Gwaptiva says, "flattery will get you loads of places"

Zmikeyz giggles

Jessecka winks, "Z has always been a smooth talking ladies man ;)"

Zmikeyz exclaims, "I have to be careful cause Robius is here!"

Jessecka laughs.

Zmikeyz laughs

Fancy grins.

Zmikeyz hands all the ladies in the room a dozen rainbow colored roses from the planet Puravida....

Robius raises an eyebrow

Zmikeyz bows

Golden exclaims, "awwww thank you!"

Jessecka saves her rose to put with the 2 dozen others she has at home.

Jessecka has given Zmikeyz a firm tickle.

Zmikeyz giggles

Jessecka winks, "Ok, let's turn you over to the spectators for roasting....I mean for questions ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "oh oh"

Jessecka says, "if anyone has a question for Z, just raise your hand."

Aaallien raises his hand...

Jessecka asks, "yes Aaallien?"

Aaallien asks, "So you live in Costa Rica? How many monkeys does it take to keep the power on?"

Zmikeyz asks, "What?"

Jessecka laughs.

Aaallien asks, "Do you have real power?"

Zmikeyz says, "Yes"

Jessecka asks, "do they even have monkeys in Costa Rica?"

Zmikeyz says, "Yes, they have lots of different types of monkeys... It takes two monkeys in the cage with 5 bananas per hour."

Jessecka laughs.

Asterix raises his hand

Zmikeyz says, "running and running"

Jessecka asks, "yes Asterix?"

Asterix asks, "How far did you ever get in classic Fed? Did you have a planet?"

Zmikeyz says, "I had a planet called the same as here. Puravida"

Zmikeyz says, "Actually it was a duchy"

Fancy says, "Ah, that answers that, I'd say."

Zmikeyz says, "But that was when people were being really picky"

Asterix asks, "How do you mean?"

Jessecka asks, "picky?"

Zmikeyz says, "so only had like two planets"

Zmikeyz asks, "How do I mean picky?"

Zmikeyz says, "let me explain"

Zmikeyz says, "when I was in fed 1"

Zmikeyz says, "I had to work for planet owners to haul"

Zmikeyz says, "had to beg them"

Zmikeyz says, "when I was a PO I had to beg haulers"

Jessecka grins.

Zmikeyz says, "I was going up during the hard times, and had to beg to belong to a duchy"

Zmikeyz says, "was stuck in sol as they used to say"

Zmikeyz says, "then when I had a duchy had to beg PO's to come in"

Zmikeyz says, "I was on as they say the cusp (If I spelled it right) LOL"

Jessecka laughs.

Jessecka asks, "ok, anyone else have a question?"

Zmikeyz says, "I guess there was so many of us coming up through the ranks that we all hit it at the same time so times changed"

Golden raises her hand

Jessecka smiles, "Golden? :)"

Golden asks, "Just curious.. are you married in rl and if so how many kids?"

Jessecka laughs.

Gwaptiva rolls his eyes.

Zmikeyz says, "Yes I'm happily married and have seven kids"

Aaallien faings

Gwaptiva says, "eeep"

Aaallien and faints too

Jessecka laughs.

Fancy whistles.

Aaallien says, "must be catholic"

Zmikeyz says, "well let me explain"

Gwaptiva asks, "and you have time to play Fed?"

Jessecka winks, "not much else to do in Costa Rica huh? ;)"

Gwaptiva guffaws

Zmikeyz says, "I have 3 with my ex wife and 1 with the nanny, and my now wife has 3 so that makes 7"

Aaallien asks, "Nanny?"

Jessecka asks, "nanny????"

Zmikeyz says, "Long story"

Fancy raises his eyebrows, intrigued.

Golden faints

Robius scoots a little close to his wife.

Badger winks, "explains the ex ;)"

Fancy winks, "Well, this is the place for it. ;)"

Jessecka grins.

Jessecka winks, "I see an article idea for the Star next week ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "No, the ex was first, then I had custody of my three daughters, needed a nanny"

Aaallien exclaims, "ohhhjhhhh!"

Jessecka says, "ahhhh, ok"

Aaallien winks sly devil you

Zmikeyz giggles

Jessecka winks, "so I'm guessing the new wife won't let you guys get a new nanny eh? ;)"

Aaallien says, "We have a maid"

Zmikeyz lol yes we do

Zmikeyz says, "but she is 60"

Gwaptiva ponders acquiring a nanny... or an au-pair.

Fancy seems to recall you can get maids really cheap in Central America.

Jessecka laughs.

Zmikeyz says, "Yep maid is around $100 a month for 6 days a week 48 hours a week"

Gwaptiva calls Costa Rican immigration

Jessecka says, "wow"

Asterix gives a low whistle

Zmikeyz says, "It's the law"

Zmikeyz says, "Have to feed them though"

Gwaptiva enquires about skinny maids

Zmikeyz says, "They have skinny maids here too, they are called hookers. Legal here"

Asterix laughs

Gwaptiva knows a bit about legal hookers

Jessecka says, "hurmmm"

Aaallien says, "interesting"

Badger asks, "probably a respected profession?"

Gwaptiva is Dutch!

Jessecka winks, "are they as cheap as the maids? ;)"

Aaallien makes a note to visit Costa Rica....

Gwaptiva drawls, "well... they have a union..."

Zmikeyz says, "Actually about the same but I don't think you can do it 48 hours a week though."

Jessecka winks, "hey, you are the one with 7 kids, you tell me ;)"

Zmikeyz laughs

Gwaptiva laughs

Zmikeyz says, "well only one chair in the living room with a TV"

Golden laughs

Jessecka laughs.

Fancy remembers his own trip to Peru and Panama a couple years ago, and thinks of a couple questions.

Zmikeyz nods

Jessecka winks, "ask away Fancy ;)"

Fancy asks, "Is the water from the tap safe to drink in Costa Rica?"

Zmikeyz says, "Yes, it's actually better than in the states"

Zmikeyz says, "Well tastes better"

Fancy nods approvingly, then asks, "How do your amenities stack up compared to the states?"

Zmikeyz says, "Some things are cheaper, like power, phone, cell phone, but appliances and clothes along with cars are quite expensive"

Zmikeyz says, "housing in very inexpensive"

Zmikeyz says, "Let me put it to you this way... I have a 3 bedroom house in Riverside CA that cost me $200,000.00 I have a four bedroom house here for $50,000.00"

Fancy whistles.

Jessecka says, "wow"

Asterix whistles and ponders moving to Costa Rica

Asterix raises his hand

Zadymka starts making plans to retire in Costa Rica

Badger ponders his varmint status in the states.

Zmikeyz says, "Utilities in the states for that house was $300.00 a month with phone, cable, etc.. here $100.00"

Zmikeyz says, "If you have $2000.00 income from the states you can live like a king here."

Gwaptiva whispers to Asterix. "That means you need to get a job"

Asterix nods and crosses that possibility off his list

Zmikeyz says, "Oh there's where the problem lies"

Jessecka asks, "did you have a question Asterix?"

Asterix says, "I did, but it looks like Zmikeyz is in the middle of a sentence, I'll wait"

Zmikeyz says, "Only jobs here are English teachers or book makers"

Zmikeyz says, "and neither pays much"

Fancy says, "So you'll want your stash of cash ahead of time."

Zmikeyz says, "have to have retirement income to live here or great investments. Yes you are right Fancy."

Aaallien writes down C.O.S.T.A. R.I.C.A. to retire.....

Zmikeyz laughs

Aaallien raises his hand...

Jessecka asks, "yes Asterix?"

Asterix asks, "I was just wondering... as an American I don't know these things very well... But is it safe to live in Costa Rica? It seems like every couple weeks I hear about some other terrible thing that goes on in a Latin American country, do you feel this doesn't happen in Costa Rica very often?"

Gwaptiva wonders if Zmikeyz silence means he's just been mugged?

Zmikeyz says, "As an American also no. The things you hear are about people getting killed. When? 2 in the moring. Look at New York with that straight A student. 2 in the morning. Same thing here. What happens is people are looking for drugs or are drunk very late at night and do stupid things."

Asterix nods

Zmikeyz says, "And that is news"

Zmikeyz says, "is it safe? If you are smart any city is safe. yes it's safe here."

Asterix nods, "I see, thank you."

Jessecka asks, "Aaallien, did you have a question?"

Aaallien asks, "Are you retired or did you move there and work?"

Zmikeyz says, "actually both"

Aaallien asks, "can you explain that one?"

Zmikeyz says, "'I came here to retire and got bored so started teaching English"

Aaallien says, "oh ok"

Aaallien asks, "So you are old?"

Zmikeyz laughs

Jessecka laughs.

Gwaptiva chuckles and throws a peanut at Aaallien

Jessecka has given Zmikeyz a friendly tickle.

Zmikeyz asks, "By some standards. Is 49 old?"

Jessecka hands Z his cane.

Asterix chuckles, "Ancient."

Aaallien exclaims, "dang!!!"

Droid chuckles

Aaallien exclaims, "My mom isn't even that old!"

Gwaptiva faints

Zmikeyz grabs his cane

Zmikeyz laughs

Gwaptiva starts minding his language

Jessecka says, "oh come on"

Jessecka winks, "you guys act like you are 14 ;)"

Asterix laughs

Asterix drawls, "Closer to 14 than 49..."

Gwaptiva says, "hey, you know, men will be boys"

Occy chuckles

Zmikeyz says, "Like they say the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys"

Gwaptiva wonders what woke Occy up

Jessecka winks, "Occy is always awake, just usually off in never neverland ;)"

Gwaptiva chuckles. "Or maybe it took him this long to type 'chuckles' with the right letters"

Occy says, "been watch the entire thing just in hospital and only ne handed typing isa pain"

Jessecka has given Occy a fervent cuddle.

Zadymka smiles, "poor Occy...you really need to stay away from the sun :)"

Jessecka asks, "Ok, anyone else have a question before we finish up?"

Occy nods

Occy says, " thought in CR"

Zmikeyz nods

Jessecka looks around.

Zmikeyz twirls

Occy asks, "we had a soil lab there that got blown up eveery month by gorrillas so its safeer now?"

Zmikeyz laughs

Jessecka asks, "monkey blew it up??"

Zmikeyz says, "really? I never heard of that."

Jessecka says, "monkeys rather"

Gwaptiva looks at Jinto

Aaallien watches Jessecka take the words out of his mouth

Jessecka giggles.\

Gwaptiva mutters "gorillas aren't monkeys, they're apes"

Occy says, "that we were thinking a bit that guy running the lab ws scamming"

Jessecka laughs at Gwap.

Zmikeyz says, "Must of been in the jungles, but I don't think we have gurrellas here. Or gorillas"

Asterix chokes on his drink

Zmikeyz says, "I think the guy was scamming you"

Jessecka asks, "Ok, anyone else have a question?"

Occy says, "hehehe it was for farming the labs was"

Gwaptiva shakes his head.

Zmikeyz asks, "Pot?"

Zmikeyz says, "Lots of those types of "farms" around in the jungles"

Jessecka winks, "pot farming? I thought they made pots otta clay ;)"

Zmikeyz has given Jessecka a nice tickle.

Jessecka giggles.

Asterix laughs

Jessecka says, "Ok, if no one else has a question, then we'll finish up"

Jessecka asks, "anyone else?"

Jessecka asks, "Ok, I have just a few more questions before we finish. Let's get back to Fed2. What's some of the improvements to Fed2 over Classic that you think are for the good of the game?"

Zmikeyz says, "ok"

Zmikeyz says, "I like the automapping, and the new style of working a bit harder for the ranks."

Jessecka winks, "Ok, and here is the very last question....of course, the best one of all......what is your most embarrassing moment in Fed....it can be Fed2 or Classic ;)"

Jessecka winks, "and we want details ;)"

Zmikeyz says, "I think it was Fed"

Zmikeyz says, "After being with a special lady (remember it was a long time ago) and having fun with her, I was walking around er umm nekked for the next day and couldn't figure out why people were laughing at me"

Jessecka laughs.

Fancy grins, nearly laughing.

Asterix laughs

Zmikeyz says, "I noticed a lot of people ex me but didn't know why"

Droid chuckles

Gwaptiva quickly checks his own outfit, and snickers

Zmikeyz says, "until I ex me"

Zmikeyz says, "How embarassing! LOL"

Gwaptiva says, "eeep"

Jessecka giggles.

Gwaptiva twirls around, quite happy he checked first before saying anything like that

Jessecka exclaims, "thanks everyone for coming out today for Meet and Greet, and a special thanks to Z for being our guest!"

Gwaptiva applauds

Fancy applauds.

Asterix exclaims, "Thank you Zmikeyz!"

Asterix cheers

Zmikeyz exclaims, "Thanks folks!"

Aaallien claps

Jessecka exclaims, "Join me here, same time same place in another 2 weeks for another edition of Meet and Greet!"

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