Federation II - space fantasy trading game

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August 28, 2005

Jessecka exclaims, "Welcome everyone to tonight's Meet and Greet!!"

Jessecka has bought you a fuzzy green concoction, that fizzes out of the glass, dripping on your hand, where it tingles and burns.

Djentsch claps and beams a smile at his wife

Bourbon asks, "ahhhh, thanks ?"

Ferreri tosses back her fuzzy grren drink

Catspaws turns up her nose at the drink because it has no cream

Jessecka exclaims, "Tonight's Guest has hacked up hairballs on your shoes, shot kitty litter missiles at your ship, and caused havock on the comms chasing Squeeky......Catspaws!"

Sleeperdroid cheers

Stalin applauds

Catspaws licks her paw smugly

Ferreri claps

Cup applauds

Bourbon cheers

Catspaws smiles, "Wait, prove those were my hairballs :)"

Madonna laughs

Jessecka laughs.

Funster whistles

Djentsch did the DNA tests

Catspaws narrows her eyes at Djentsch

Jessecka says, "Ok kitty, want to tell us how you discovered Classic Fed."

Necrose has just arrived.

Catspaws says, "I found Fed on AOL one day while I was looking for card games to play. It looked like fun, so I figured I'd try it."

Djentsch has a look that says he doen't mind the look Catspaws is giving him

Catspaws says, "It didn't take me long to get hooked."

Jessecka knows that feeling.

Jessecka asks, "How far did you get in Classic Fed?"

Catspaws says, "My first duchy was Necis, under the direction of Eod, who I totally thought was the greatest duke ever. He was strict, but he tought me to love economics."

Catspaws says, "Eod DD'd and we moved to Ward. A few years later, Litterbox was a duchy of its own, thriving and active."

Catspaws says, "I loved being a duchess, because I was able to help young players learn how to be good POs."

Jessecka smiles.

Catspaws says, "Also, it was fun trying to outwit the macro dumpers."

Catspaws grins evilly

Leostada chuckles

Jessecka pets the kitty.

Catspaws says, "I'd trap them, they'd go try to outcode my trap, and I'd trap them again."

Catspaws smirks to herself

Jessecka laughs, thinking about a cat and mouse game.

Leostada says, "there was a lot of that"

Ferreri says, "meeces don't like smart kitties"

Catspaws says, "That's really what it was. And I loved every minute of it."

Jessecka smiles, "Tell us about your planet Litterbox :)"

Catspaws says, "And I think that's why my duchy was so popular. We had a lot of alliances, and my duchy was always full."

Brain laughs

Geran has left.

Fancy grins.

Djentsch not sure how good a full litterbox is.

Jessecka giggles.

Bourbon laughs

Leostada shakes his head

Djentsch has given Catspaws a friendly tickle.

Catspaws says, "Fancy I bet remembers Litterbox. I had a petshop named Pets R US, The Cats Meow Restaurant, and other fun places."

Jessecka grins.

Catspaws says, "The Scratching Post was my nightclub. A lot of the felines would climb the post and watch the antics in the club."

Fancy smiles and nods.

Brain winks, "Did u have a cat house called pussy galore? ;)"

Leostada grins a totthy grin 'I remember LB'

Catspaws says, "No, Brain."

Gearjammer giggles

Catspaws says, "If you didn't know, Fancy was my first Fed husband, when I was just a young kit."

Jessecka winks, "oooo, gossip ;)"

Djentsch is shocked

Catspaws grins

Leostada says, "and so it begins"

Funster asks, "first ?"

Fancy smiles and nods again.

Catspaws says, "First. I later married Preach, and finally, my own pirate, Kaipanther."

Funster starts the recorders

Catspaws says, "Kai and I were the perfect pair, because we both believed Fed had so much roleplay potential."

Catspaws says, "And we tried to encourage that in those around us."

Jessecka nods.

Funster asks, "are you Amish Cats ?"

Bourbon thumps Funster

Jessecka thumps Funster, wait until your turn.

Catspaws smiles, "No :)"

Jessecka smiles, "so, tell us what brought you to Fed2 :)"

Funster says, "ouch"

Catspaws says, "I finally had to leave Classic because of finances."

Catspaws says, "One day Preach told me they were working on Fed2 and it had just opened, so I came to check it out."

Catspaws says, "I like Fed2 in many ways, tho I do miss Litterbox a lot."

Catspaws says, "I'm a hauler at heart, and I love the merchant side of Fed."

Funster hands you my hauling permit

Leostada chuckles finaly something we agree on

Jessecka asks, "have you found a lot of the friends you made in Classic have made the transition into Fed2?"

Catspaws says, "Fed's been in my blood since that first day on AOL."

Bourbon nods

Catspaws says, "A few, but not as many as I'd like to see. I actually found one of my old Necis duchymates the other night. Now, instead of him teaching ME, I'm teaching him."

Jessecka smiles.

Catspaws says, "Fed2 will grow as we find our old friends and bring them back."

Catspaws says, "Just like Preach told me, we'll tell others."

Leostada grins

Jessecka asks, "what is the best improvement you think has been made to Fed2?"

Catspaws says, "We can't give money to newbies."

Jessecka nods.

Catspaws says, "That was one of the things that really messed up Classic."

Leostada faints

Catspaws says, "If they were new, they didn't get a chance to learn."

Jessecka nods.

Cup couldn't agree more!

Bourbon applauds

Djentsch agrees as well

Catspaws smiles, "I just wish we had more hauling :)"

Catspaws smiles, "And, NO MORE FUTURES :)"

Sleeperdroid grins

Bourbon laughs

Djentsch chuckles

Fancy chuckles.

Jessecka laughs.

Jessecka exclaims, "I like Futures!"

Catspaws checks Jessecka for fever

Jessecka giggles.

Leostada says, "don't seem so bad to me"

Jessecka asks, "Ok, what is something you miss from Classic??"

Catspaws says, "But, futures or not, Fed is the best text game out there. Always has been, always will be."

Catspaws exclaims, "I want my porter back!!!!!"

Jessecka laughs.

Catspaws smiles, "I used to do port-by snogging and tickling :)"

Djentsch never had one so doesn't know what he is missing

Bourbon says, "was fun thing Dj"

Djentsch can do that without a porter

Catspaws has given Djentsch an ecstatic tickle.

Djentsch chuckles

Jessecka remembers Dj giving her run-by snoggings, but she doesn't get those anymore.

Catspaws says, "I also enjoyed sneaking up on one of my new squires when he wasn't expecting me."

Jessecka giggles.

Catspaws says, "Ryuken was one of my POs, by the way."

Jessecka drawls, "Ok, one last question before I open the floor for questions....."

Pine has just arrived.

Pine has given Jessecka a truly scrumptious snog.

Pine has left.

Catspaws says, "I didn't do it."

Jessecka laughs.

Jessecka winks, "that darn ink pen gets me all the time ;)"

Bourbon says, "um drive by snog"

Djentsch says, "i don't think that he likes you nibbling on his head"

Cup winks, "See? You don't need a porter for a snog raid ;)"

Bourbon laughs

Catspaws says, "One of my planetary defenses was the infamous Kitty Litter Missile."

Jessecka asks, "what improvement would you like to see made to Fed2?"

Catspaws says, "Think about it. Litterbox was a planet full of cats."

Catspaws smiles, "Raphael used to accuse us of toxic dumping because I'd back my ship up to Visions and unload :)"

Jessecka laughs.

Leostada asks, "it always smelled funny?"

Catspaws grins mischievously

Catspaws says, "Improvement to Fed2? More for FOs and Financiers to do."

Jessecka asks, "why is that?"

Cup asks, "to do?"

Cup ponders

Catspaws says, "Socialization is fun, but I like to work."

Funster nods

Jessecka asks, "and you find that there isn't enough work at these ranks?"

Catspaws says, "Also, (and this may get me in trouble), I think the comms should be more active, to show new players that Fed can be fun."

Jessecka thinks she might give the Kitty her company.

Catspaws says, "I think it's lonely for them not to hear anyone talking."

Jessecka nods.

Funster says, "a certain player has made us kinda gun shy"

Jessecka winks, "are we ready for questions from the mob?? ;)"

Catspaws arms the missiles and nods

Jessecka smiles, "raise your hand if you would like to asked the Kitty a question :)"

Bourbon asks, "a mob, who us ?"

Bourbon raises hand

Jessecka asks, "Bourbon?"

Catspaws says, "I didn't do it."

Jessecka giggles.

Bourbon asks, "What do you find so attractive to Ferr's lap ?"

Catspaws says, "She's my human. I adopted her."

Catspaws says, "And no one messes with my human."

Catspaws purrs smugly

Jessecka grins.

Bourbon laughs

Jessecka asks, "next?"

Jessecka asks, "anyone?"

Catspaws smiles, "Nice mob :)"

Fancy asks, "What's your most embarrassing moment in Fed?"

Jessecka thinks everyone is scared of the hairballs and litter missiles.

Catspaws blushes under her fur

Fancy has given Catspaws a nice tickle.

Catspaws says, "Everyone has had the embarrassing dropped tb."

Jessecka grins.

Bourbon asks, "and that was ?"

Catspaws drawls, "Let's just say I was pussyfooting around where I didn't belong..."

Jessecka wants to know details.

Catspaws studies her paw intently

Bourbon roflmao

Catspaws says, "I immediately logged off hoping someone didn't do a WHO PLANET and figure out who was where."

Funster slides under the seat

Jessecka laughs.

Jessecka winks, "we've all been there I think ;)"

Catspaws lets out her breath figuring she's safe now

Bourbon says, "ahhhhh come on, more details.....lol"

Catspaws smiles, "That is more than enough detail :)"

Jessecka asks, "anymore questions?"

Cup raises his hand

Bourbon has given Catspaws a friendly tickle.

Jessecka asks, "Cup?"

Cup asks, "Do you ever talk to Kip anymore?"

Funster asks, "Cup is a player ?"

Catspaws says, "Actually, we've been writing. He knows about Fed2, and sends everyone his love. But, he has no internet access."

Cup winks, "Nope. I'm a talking mobile ;)"

Jessecka giggles.

Jessecka has given Cup an ecstatic tickle.

Cup smiles, "Too bad. He was a good egg :)"

Funster says, "that's what had always thought"

Golden has just arrived.

Catspaws says, "Yes, he was. Everyone loved his Underground."

Cup smiles and nods

Jessecka asks, "next?"

Fancy raises a paw.

Jessecka asks, "Fancy?"

Fancy asks, "What's your favorite moment in Fed?"

Catspaws purrs at Fancy

Catspaws asks, "Classic or Fed2?"

Fancy says, "Either one. Or even both if you like."

Catspaws smiles, "Classic, I'd have to say when my application to enter Necis was accepted. Our wedding came a close second :)"

Jessecka smiles.....awwwwwww.

Fancy smiles and purrs loudly.

Zmikeyz wipes a tear from his eye...

Catspaws says, "Fed2, I think would have to be when I found the group of people in the Traders Lounge. That's a great group of people in there."

Jessecka has given Catspaws a tasty hug.

Zmikeyz nods

Brain is touched

Bourbon has given Catspaws a firm hug.

Djentsch wonders who she is talking about

Jessecka asks, "anyone else?"

Catspaws says, "I advise all players when they reach Merchant to come to the Lounge. You'll make friends and learn ever so much to help you enjoy the game. And you'll have fun doing it."

Bourbon raises hand

Jessecka asks, "Bourbon?"

Golden says, "I'm new at merchant and I agree with you Catspaws, they are so very helpful"

Bourbon asks, "Cats, who is your next prey, errrrr spouse, anyone in mind?"

Djentsch raises his hand

Catspaws says, "I'm still married to Kai."

Jessecka nods.

Bourbon asks, "so you are not Amish ?"

Catspaws says, "the kits would be furious if I tried to find another husband."

Jessecka laughs.

Catspaws smiles, "No :)"

Jessecka asks, "Dj?"

Zmikeyz asks, "Can you be Amish and own a computer?"

Bourbon says, "only if you don't use electricity"

Catspaws snickers

Djentsch asks, "i already know this, but i'm sure that the others haven't. besides the other day, have you ever gone back to classic to visit?"

Zmikeyz nods

Catspaws says, "I went back the other day to help you win the TTTT. I miss it. It felt like going home."

Jessecka imagines Squeeky running on a wheel to supply Cats with jiuce to run her computer.

Catspaws says, "Litterbox is still there, but closed."

Catspaws says, "I wished I could open it and take you to visit it, Dj. You'd have loved it."

Bourbon laughs

Djentsch whispers to Jess, but that would still be using power

Fancy smiles, remembering the places on Litterbox.

Djentsch says, "maybe one day you will Catspaws"

Jessecka asks, "do you plan on bringing LitterBox to Fed2?"

Zmikeyz asks, "Well hopefully soon Catspaws you can create it here in FedII?"

Catspaws says, "I thought about it. But I think Litterbox belongs where it's at."

Jessecka asks, "any more questions?"

Funster asks, "any advise for an Aventurer ?"

Catspaws says, "Map map map."

Catspaws says, "Oh, and use Fedterm."

Djentsch says, "do the quest"

Funster says, "okay, thanks"

Zmikeyz raise hand

Jessecka asks, "Z?"

Brain asks, "what quest?"

Catspaws says, "If you get bored, take a break, drag us out of the lounge, and buy us a drink."

Zmikeyz asks, "Catspaws, what type of planet are you figuring on having here?"

Bourbon laughs

Jessecka likes a party.

Catspaws says, "That's top secret at this time. You can be sure there will be plenty of cats on it, tho."

Zmikeyz nods

Fancy whispers to Brain, "The Magellan Society quest."

Zmikeyz asks, "no mice?"

Bourbon says, "poor Squeeky"

Catspaws says, "Oh, there will be a place for Squeeky."

Catspaws purrsssssssssssssss

Jessecka winks, "in the cooking pot? ;)"

Bourbon says, "oh, am so sure.....lol"

Zmikeyz laughs

Catspaws licks her paw smugly

Jessecka asks, "anyone else?"

Zmikeyz says, "I like that mouse trap game, that would be neat on a planet."

Catspaws says, "Fed2 is fun because of the people."

Bourbon raises hand

Djentsch is still waiting for an answer from someone that he tb'ed

Jessecka asks, "Bourbon?"

Zmikeyz says, "don't rush him Jess he's a slow typer"

Bourbon says, "not so much of a question but just a comment, I like a lot you said Cats about playing the game, and am glad for such good friends in the Lounge"

Catspaws says, "Z, once when I was a baroness I moved the exit from the exchange and trapped a dumper in my pool. He was there for five hours, and we were all coming to the pool to laugh at him."

Zmikeyz exclaims, "That was me!"

Zmikeyz says, "joking"

Catspaws laughs

Jessecka giggles.

Leostada says, "never went swimming there"

Leostada says, "prolly for good reason"

Catspaws says, "And, Bourbon, I meant that. The Lounge crowd is one of the most friendly, helpful group of people I've ever seen."

Jessecka smiles.

Zmikeyz asks, "I was stuck on a planet in Sol once really weird planet forget the name... long time ago, does anyone remember it?"

Djentsch thinks that his bat and I-beam are very helpfu

Djentsch thinks that his bat and I-beam are very helpful even

Leostada says, "lots of wierd planets in SOL"

Jessecka wonders if Z has lost his mind....there's like 1000 planets in classic Sol.

Bourbon laughs

Bourbon says, "yeah twas some nasty planets in Sol back then"

Zmikeyz says, "yeah but not ones that were death traps, and mazes. I mean not many of those"

Jessecka asks, "Ok, anyone else got a question for the Kitty?"

Cup asks, "How long ago, Z?"

Bourbon says, "Cats, not that you need it, but if can ever help, just let me know"

Catspaws purrs at Bourbon

Zmikeyz says, "oooo like 5 years ago or so, right when AOL got rid of it"

Catspaws says, "Thank you."

Bourbon says, "just don't jump in my lap.....lol"

Leostada looks around

Jessecka asks, "anyone else?"

Djentsch hates AOHell

Bourbon fires of some fun With a loud **BANG** it explodes, releasing colored streamers which zoom around the room under their own power. Silver glitter, shaken from the streamers, twinkles as it drifts slowly downwards carrying Ferreri and Angelfowl."

Catspaws smiles, "And, I'll even let you sit in Ferreri's lap sometime :)"

Leostada asks, "is she duct taped?"

Bourbon says, "promise??? lol"

Catspaws says, "Promise"

Jessecka says, "the kitty is not duct taped, she likes me enough to stay of her own free will ;)\"

Bourbon hug catspaws

Zmikeyz looks impressed with the loud **BANG**

Jessecka asks, "Ok, one last time, anymore questions??"

Catspaws hugs all her friends

Leostada stands by the door

Jessecka exclaims, "well, I want to thank the Kitty for being our guest tonight!"

Leostada produces his supersoaker and aims it carefully and squirts the kitty

Jessecka has given Catspaws an affectionate kiss.

Bourbon smiles, "Jess and Cats, was fun, you both were great :)"

Fancy applauds heartily.

Zmikeyz claps

Catspaws ducks behind Bourbon just in time

Bourbon stands up and claps and gives a cat-whistle

Catspaws says, "Thank you all. I was really nervous doing one of these again."

Jessecka exclaims, "Join me in 2 weeks when I will be discussing player planets with Bella!!"

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